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First of all, Happy Birthday! The Lord bless you, have a great day etc. etc. and all the usual things. Now that we've got that out of the way, here's a short story.

Once upon a time, there was a silent little girl. She never cried, hardly spoke and no one could say for sure if she had ever met their eyes with her own. There was seemingly only one thing she liked: to read. Fast forward a couple of years, hundreds of books and an account on Wattpad and she still hasn't changed. Much.

Now, instead of talking, she types. Instead of crying, she writes and instead of meeting people's eyes, she meets her own in the mirror every day.

All because someone randomly discussed "Alexander" in her class.

The End.

I can go on and on about how amazing you are, how soul-twisting your words are and how your writing is like a person: it speaks and I respond. But you probably already know that.

So, Happy Birthday once again! As a tiny part of the Oli Family, I'm sure mine is among a thousand wishes but hey, you've given me a metaphorical voice and a beautiful family and this is the only thing I can do to show how much you and it means to me.


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