Guilty but Innocent

Start from the beginning

" Mmm hmm," he said, cupping his hands together and leaning back just a tad. " Is it true miss L/N that you did some volunteer work at the hospital quite recently in the past?" You nodded and he continued " Is there anyone there that you didn't really get along with, staff or patient?"

" There... was a doctor there who was always kinda a jerk but I would never wish harm on him." You said finally looking up into his eyes. You wished you hadn't. You hated the look that left you feeling peeled.

" Alright then, Before we finish up." He said, sitting straight again and gesturing to the candle. " will you hand me the candle there?" You gave him a confused expression before turning toward the candle. It was a small candle, one of those two-inch tall squat one's people usually used for decoration. You reaching your hand toward it, but once it was only an inch away, some of the residue powder from your chemistry class sparked a little. Causing you to retreat your hand quickly. It must have gotten under your fingernails during the lesson, you were kinda in your own world during that lesson.

However that was the last thing on your mind, You knew exactly what the detective was thinking. After all, the hospital disaster was from a chemical explosion, and the suspect having a chemistry class might as well just be a cover-up.

You opened your mouth to speak, but right at that moment the officers came back in and dragged you out of the room once more.

- -

The next few days were absolute torture for you. People were constantly coming into the station and asking you questions. Questions about your family, childhood, friends, interests and pretty much everything else. You knew if they were trying to find out if you were troubled in any way, so you just compiled and told them the truth. After all, there wasn't anything wrong with you, so why wouldn't you tell the truth?

Then one day, without warning, new men came. They came into the little cell you were kept in and handcuffed you. At this point you did not even resist anymore, however, you were still scared. These men had different uniforms. Were you finally getting out of here?

They took you out of your cell and into the entrance room of the police station. Once there, they halted as one of them walked to the front desk and started to fill out paperwork of some sort. You heard sobbing coming from one of the left hallways.

You turned your head in that direction and tried to find the crying person. Why did it sound kind of Familiar? You quickly glanced back to the man filling out the papers, then back again just in time to see Destiny being led into the room by one of the police officers. Her arms were wrapped around herself and she had tears streaming down her face. You gasped and tried to go to her. But the guards reached forward and grabbed you, keeping you from walking away.

" Wait, please, I know her, please let me see her!" You pleaded with the guards, but they wouldn't even look at you. So you resorted to calling out to her. " Destiny! Destiny!" You yelled for her across the room. She looked up as she heard you call her name. She didn't try to run toward you however, she didn't need to. The officer was already leading her across the room toward you. About halfway there though, he told her to stay right there and continued walking over to you.

" Can I please talk to my friend," You asked the officer. He was of a tall build, with a little bit of buff, but it was mostly from chubbiness. He had a shaved head and beard. You had to tilt your head to look up at him.

" Cut the bullshit kid," He said in a rough voice, making you flinch and widen your eyes. " We know it was you, your friend told us everything, and how you hurt her when she tried to tell someone, so your not getting away with this,"

"What?!" You cried out in shock. You didn't commit this crime, and you never once played a harmful finger on destiny either, you would never even think of it! You looked over at destiny and saw where she was holding her arms, there were bright red cuts.

" wha- destiny!" you cried out again, trying to get over to her once more, " Please sir you got this all wro-." You tried to get the cop to listening to you, but he was not having anything from you.

" Shut up, all the evidence points to you, and you are going to be locked up for the rest of your days!" He yelled at you.

" Hold it officer wood, step away, I need to talk to her." a voice said from behind the officer. You looked past him to see Detective Dolin walking up to you. Officer wood huffed before walking back over to Destiny and leading her out of the building.

However, as they passed you, Destiny whispered something that was only caught by your ears, it sounded like " He made me do it," But that was all you got before she was lead out of the building. Wait, who made her do it? the officer? You wanted to call out to her, but the detective was now in front of you.

" I'm sorry miss L/N, but all the evidence points to you, so you are being charged with the crime." You opened your mouth to speak, but he held his hand up for silence before continuing to speak. " To be completely honest miss L/N, I don't think that you did it, I think we are dealing with a mastermind that framed you. However, there is nothing I can do for you now."You started to breathe a little heavily as tears leaked from your eyes.

" But... But can't I see my family or-or?!... what's going to happen to me?" You asked quietly. He looked down at you for a moment before replying.

" All of the people who interviewed you all had the same thing to say, they think that you are mentally ill, and unstable, so it was decided that you are not going to prison, but to the Holland Hill Institute for the criminally insane." You gasped but He still continued

" Y/N Listen to me, I am going to do everything in my power to prove it was not you, but for now you need to be absolutely careful, take no risks. Holland hill institute is not just where criminally insane people are put. It's where the nations top psychopaths are as well."

A/N: Ok, I know this is not really how it's done in real life, but this is just how I am making it for the story

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