Guarded or Hunted?

Start from the beginning

You didn't voice these thoughts, however. You kept them to yourself and continued to listen to the lesson. You listened intently until the bell rang. The whole class shot up, grabbing their bags and booking it to the cafeteria to be the first in the lunch line. You were a little slower today, still soaking in the knowledge.

Still, in good time you got to the lunchroom and got in line. There were even more police in the building now. To be honest it was starting to make you kind of worried. It almost seemed as if the whole town police station were here in the school. Half of them seeming to be in the cafeteria. There didn't need to be that many cops here just for a little protection right? Unless they think the school is the next place of target, or that the killer was here.

At that thought, a chill shot down your spine. You hoped that neither one of those were the case. You didn't want anyone to die, especially in a way like what happened yesterday. You quickly found your friends at the same table from the day before and sat across from Destiny again.

The both of your friends looked just as freaked out as you were. They probably had the same thoughts about why the police were here. None of you said a word as you dug into your meals. In fact, now that you were listening, it seemed like the whole lunchroom was still. There was the soft murmuring of chatter here and there but it seemed like everyone was on their nerves. It didn't help that there were about ten cops all throughout the cafeteria, looking out among the students.

" What's going on?" Destiny whispered suddenly. You looked over at her, she was staring down at her tray, her food not even touched. You said nothing, looking over to Charlie who was trembling so hard the glasses on his head were shaking on the bridge of his nose. You found you didn't really have a voice at the moment so you just shrugged for a response, and looked down at your tray as well.

You so glanced up at the two of them every so often, checking on them. Both of them were silent and thinking their own fear-filled thoughts. You wanted to say something to try and lift the gloom out of the mood. You couldn't think of anything however because you were pretty much as scared as they were. After all, the day before there was the explosion and now there were cops here at the school. It was no coincidence. You had the feeling that something bad was going to happen now, but there was nothing you could do. So you kept your head down and stayed in your own thoughts as well.

When you were all finished with your lunches you stacked your tray's and went for the cafeteria doors. You were in the middle with Destiny on your right and Charlie on your left. You were walking about two feet ahead as well. As you crossed through the door you walked right into the chest of a police officer.

" Oh, I'm sorry!" You said while regaining your balance, Destiny and Charlie both had a steady hand on you. You looked up at the officer, but he didn't reply to you. Instead, he looked down at you with a straight mouth and dark sunglasses covering his eyes. He stared down at you for a full minute before your red-haired friend gently grabbed your arm and pulled you away. as you walked down the hall with your friends you could feel the stare on your back. Once you were a decent length away you couldn't resist the temptation and looked behind you. He was still there. Staring at your retreating figure. You quickly whipped forward again and walked faster.

" What was that?" You asked your friends once you felt a safe enough distance away from the officer.

" What was what?" Charlie asked.

" That guy, he just kept staring at me." You replied as a slight shiver went up your spine.

" he could have just been watching us to make sure you were ok." Destiny pointed out. You shook your head at her reply, however.

" why didn't he say anything then? it's just... something feels so very off today." Your two friends didn't say anything else but they didn't need to. You knew they were both silently agreeing with you. It was then that the bell rang and it was time to separate. You said your goodbyes to your friends and started off to your fourth class. This class was history, so as usual you just zoned off to your own little planet and waited as the seconds ticked by painfully for the class to end.

Once that class was over you quickly sped to your fifth and final hour of the day. This one was just a plain reading class, so you quite enjoyed it. once the class started you got out the book that the whole class was reading, Of mice and men, and started reading.

You liked this class because everyone was always silent, always reading so there was no distractions or crude jokes made. Everyone just minded their own business and read their book. about halfway into the class period, the intercom rang and the voice of the desk lady spoke.

" Can we have Y/N L/N To the front office, please." You looked up from your book in surprise. You had no idea what they needed you for, but nevertheless, after tour teacher replied, you got up and left the room. It was about a two-minute walk from your class to the office. so you just contemplated what they needed you for.

The only sound in the hall was that of your shoes clicking against the tiled floor, so it was kind of unnerving on a day like this, but you didn't pay it any real mind. On the way there you passed the class Charlie was in and passed him a quick wave as you walked by. You didn't know if he saw it or not but you kept walking, not stopping to make facial expressions at each other.

Finally, you made it into the front office. you walked in and stopped dead in your tracks, the air freezing in your lungs when you saw about five police officer's waiting for you. The desk lady nowhere to be found. You looked from officer to officer in fright as you took a slight step back.

" wha-." You tried to say but was cut off.

" Miss L/N You are under arrest." The head of the five said. Producing a pair of manacles as you walked forward.

"What!" You cried in shock. " I haven't done anything!" You tried to explain, but all five of the cops came forward. You didn't fight them, you knew this would all be sorted out, or at least you hoped, for you had no Idea what the officer was talking about. He only droned on the rights to you, and you were dragged out of the school, into the police car and off to the station. All the while trying to get a hold of what was happening.

A/N: I have never actually taken a criminal psychology class, I just looked some things up for the chapter, so sorry it it isn't quite what it's actually like. Anyway though thanks for reading and hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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