Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11:

-Tabby's POV-

Britt and I have been at work for a few hours now. It's the day of Ashton and I's date, and I'm really nervous, even though the date is still a few hours away. James is working the register, while Britt, and I waitress the tables. It's what we normally do. We're just about finished with the lunch rush, when Lizzy walks in. I walk over to Britt.

"Lizzy's here." I say, pointing to her.

"Maybe we can get James to take care of her table." She says.

"I'll ask him." I say.

I leave Britt, and walk behind the counter to James.

"Hey, James. Do you mind taking care of that table over there with the red head?" I ask.

"You mean Lizzy?" He asks.

"Yeah. That's the one." I say.

"Uhm I guess?" He says.

"You're the best. I'll cover for you at the register." I say.

He nods, and walks off to Lizzy's table. I take care of the line that had formed for people to pay for their meal.

"On second thought, I'll just order to go." I hear Lizzy say, as she walks towards me. Damn it. I look at Britt.

"Break time?" She mouths to me.

I nod, and look at James. He shrugs, and walks to me. I let him take over the register again, and walk around the counter to meet with Britt, before going to the break room for our break. Lizzy walks over to us, before we can leave.

"What are you losers doing here?" She asks.

"Working." I state obviously.

"It's the only job you'll ever be able to get, besides prostitution." She says.

"Look Lizzy. We're at work, and we aren't here to deal with your shit, so if you'll excuse us.." Britt says.

"The customers always right. I can sue you for treating me this way." She says.

"We have cameras, so have at it." I say.

"You don't have cameras." She says.

"Yes we do. There. There, and there." I say pointing to the cameras. She looks defeated.

"Well at least I have the one thing you'll never have, Ashton." She says.

"If you have Ashton, then why are we going on a date tonight?" I ask.

"You're not." Lizzy says.

"Check his Twitter." Britt states.

Lizzy pulls out her phone, and goes to Twitter. After a few minutes of messing around on it, she knows we're telling the truth. Britt, and I smirk at her, and go to the break room.

"I can fix that." I hear Lizzy mumble, as she turns to leave.

I look at Britt, worriedly.

"Don't worry about her. She can't do anything." Britt says reassuring me.

I grab 2 Dr. Pepper's from the break room fridge, and hand one to Britt, as we sit at the table.

****A Few Hours Later****

I just finished getting ready for my date with Ashton, with the help of Brittany. It is now exactly 7.

"Just in time." I say.

Britt, and I leave my room, and go to the living room. We sit down.

"May as well watch some TV, while we wait." Britt says.

"It is Ashton. He's a part of 5SOS, the band that is always late." I say.

She laughs, and nods agreeing with me. Britt grabs the remote, and turns on the TV. She flips through the guide for a few minutes before deciding on Scooby Doo.

"I love this movie!" I say.

"Me too." She says.

We giggle, and start watching Scooby Doo. It just started, it's the one where they break up, then get invited to Spooky Island, and Scrapy is trying to take over the world. This is our favorite Scooby Doo.

I start to get more and more nervous, as time goes by, and Ashton till hasn't showed up. I check my phone every few seconds, I've texted him and the other boys many times. The other boys don't know where he is either. They said he left at like 6, and they all thought he was coming here. What the hell? Scooby Doo is almost over now, which means it's been like 2 hours. I haven't allowed myself to check the time, even though I've looked at my phone numerous times. The credits for Scooby Doo finally play on the screen, and I look down to my lap. My leg hasn't stopped shaking since the movie started.

"He's not coming." I mumble.

"What? Don't say that, Tabby. You know how the 5SOS boys are. They're always late." Britt says, trying to reassure me.

"Yeah, but they're never this late, Britt." I say. "Look, I know you're just trying to help me, but there's no point. It's been over two hours. It's 9 O' Clock, Britt. He's definitely not coming."

I stand up, and go to leave the room, but stop when Britt talks.

"Tabby, You wanna go get some dinner. Neither of us have ate. I'll cook, or we can go get something." She says.

"I'm not that hungry." I say.

"Tabby, you have to eat." She replies, walking over to me.

"Fine. Let's just go to McDonald's, and get some Burgers." I say.

"McDonald's for hamburgers?" Britt questions.

"You're right, let's go to Burger King." I say.

She laughs, grabs the keys, and we walk to the car.

****30 Minutes Later****

We got burgers, fries, and drinks from Burger King, and went to the roof of one of my dad's restaurant. It looks over the whole city of Atlanta, and it's a really good place to think, or just admire the city. The only bad thing about it, is that it's across from this old run down bar. Britt and I eat our hamburgers, looking at the lights of the city, and trying to ignore all the noise from the bar.

"What's going on down there?" Britt asks. "I've never seen so many people there before."

I follow her gaze to the bar, and see a lot of camera flashes going off as two people walk out of the bar. Some celebrity must be there. The couple walks across the street, and away from the paparazzi's. I continue to watch them, and recognize both of them. It's Ashton, and some girl. the girl looks up at me, and smirks. It's Lizzy. That bitch.

"Well, at least we know what happened." I say, walking off the roof.

"Tabby...." Britt starts.

"Let's just go home. I don't want to talk about it." I say.

Brittany nods, and we walk off the roof.

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