Chapter 13

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Saiki knocked on your door.

-your POV-
*sigh* Saiki's already here? I still haven't finished cleaning up! At least  I hid the pictures I had of (F/C)! (favourite celebrity)
He's/she's such a star! Anyways, My room's pretty much ok. So I guess Saiki won't mind.

                 —1 HOUR AGO—

-Saiki's POV-
I was going to ask dad or mom to drive me to (Y/N)'s house, but I forgot that whenever they see me with a girl, doesn't matter what type of girl, they freak out. And I hate it. So I decided to walk to her house. It's farther than I would've expected. But that's not a problem at all, Thanks to my physic powers. So about that (Y/N) girl. I still can't read her mind. I can't help but call her Nendo junior.
(Cause He can't read his mind either)
I'm kind of nervous to ask her if she's a physic. What if my calculations were wrong? What if she isn't a physic. There's so many questions I want to ask her but I can't.
What a pain..
I'm here already? Her house is quite big. Welp. Here goes nothing. *knock*

Nothing... *knock* *knock*


Still nothing. Is she taking a s**t or something?

Sorry if the chapters have been short... I'm fucking sick. Sorry for my language, But it's true. I am sick...


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