Yea that's right- I updated

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She was silent all the way home. It was almost unearthly. Not only that she was silent but that she was completely still. As they arrived home and got out of the car I remembered her tear stained face.

God she was beautiful. And a god damed mystery. I needed to get information out of her and fast. I knew from experience that holding stuff in like she was doing never ended well. I knew because that was what my sister did. And that didn't end well at all. 

I noticed Mr. Pierces car in the driveway. I frown because i was under the impression that she was coming home tomorrow. As we walk past it I notice that she has stopped and is staring at the sleek black BMW. 

"Hunter who is your boss." I frown because what kid of question was that.

"Mr. Pierce." She nodded her head. 

"Not anymore, from now on I will pay you but that means your report to me and not to Daniel. Got it."

I swallow a bit curious as to what she was about to do and why in fuck she was saying shit like this. What had happened that affected her so deeply. 

"I can't do that." I say honestly. 

"Okay well then. I guess this will still be fun." I watch as she walks back to my truck and grabs a bat I had in there from when I visited my brother in the summer. 

"What are y..." The bat goes smashing into the front before I can finish my sentence. Before I can blink the sound of a window shattering fills my ears.

"Hey stop that shit right now." I reach for the bat but the little brat is quick and slides over the hood and swings the bat into the left blinker. Another window. a door.

I'm finally able to grab her around the waist. She goes to swing the bat at me and I snatch it and yank it from her grip and throw it. I throw her over my shoulder and march through the front the door and into the house. 

"Hunter what the hell." She pushes my back and I grip her thighs tighter with my arm as she starts to kick. I finally make it to her room and I throw her on the bed and shut and lock the door. 

"What the fuck are you doing. Your not in the right head space, you just need to calm down." She is up in an instant.

"Just fuck off for fucks sake, I don't need a body guard. The only reason he wants your protecting   me is to make sure I don't fucking kill myself." Before I can think rage races through me and I slam her back against the wall.

She is on her tippy toes and I slide my knee up between her shapely legs. Soon enough I'm raising her off the ground. 

"You need to calm down and stop taking out your anger on me or your dad like a child."

She looks at me and her eyes are .. there blank. Completely vacant. 

"Yea your right I'm like a kid. I don't know anything about the real world." God that reaction is worse than her screaming at me.

"Why were you at a prison today." I ask gently instead of demanding. New tactic.

"You know why I have a body guard?" I shrug.

"Because your a brat." She laughs. and leans forward till are lips would touch if she moved an inch.

"Some say it is because I'm suicidal, some say it's because we have daddy daughter issues and hell maybe some like you think its because I'm an idiot."

"Don't talk down to yourself." I growl though I am intrigued.

"Fine well if all of us are wrong then why..."

"MAVISON RYKER PIERCE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW." A grin slides across her face so wicked and amused that it almost, almost seems real. But it wasn't and I hated that. God why did I even care. She was just a spoiled rich white girl. Nothing more. 

"That's my cue." With a hop and skip she is on her own feet and prancing out the door like she heard the fucking ice cream truck. I sigh and rub my temples and trudge after her in defeat.

By the time I reach the kitchen which I assume they are judging by the yelling I find Mavison leaning back against the counter and Mr. Pierce in full out rage. 


Silence fills the air.

"I'm not going to your funeral." She says in suck empty, vacant tone it rings something in his heart. She sounds just like my sister did before she...

I'm snapped out of my daze by Pierce rushing forward face red in rage. Before I can think twice I step in front of her, a bulking mass to separate them. 

"What are you doing." 

"My job is to protect her." I all I say eyes forward towering above him. He shoves a hand threw his hair and storms out of the room. I glare after him. What a pric. 

Warm, small, strong arms wrap around me from behind and I tense. 

"Soak in these words Spades because you won't be hearing them again but thank you."

"Well fuck." I whisper to myself.


I would say your welcome for updating but its been like 4 decades so I will just say 

'Enjoy, like and comment" (: 

His ProtectionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt