Chapter 6

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Draco looked up, and Harry sat down next to him.

"What do you want?" Draco growled through clenched teeth. Harry cocked an eyebrow at him. "You're cute when you're mad." Draco glared at him, and Harry sighed. "Fine," Harry said. "I followed you because it seems like the slytherin prince isn't doing so well on his potions. Want help?" Then it was Draco's turn to cock an eyebrow. "Why do you want to help me? Besides, you're hardly the one who should be helping me. Other way around." Draco looked at Harry accusingly. "Show me your arm." Harry's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Slowly, he rolled up his left sleeve to reveal rows and rows of small cuts covering his arm. Draco took a sharp breath in and went to touch Harry's arm. He flinched and pulled his arm away. "Sorry... I...." Draco shushed Harry and said, "Potter.... Why?" Harry stared at his shoes and felt his cheeks warming up. "I... I don't know." Just then they heard another pair of footsteps, but these footsteps were very easily recognizable.

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