secret #1

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People tell me that I shouldn't blame my self for the deaths of my best friends. Want to know a secret? It was my fault... I watched them die. They all died right in front of me. I held them as they took there last breath. And what did I do. Nothing. I did nothing. I watched as the bleed out. I watched as they took there last breath. Maybe if I would have done something.... Maybe they still would be here. Have you ever felt such regret that you want to kill your self because of it... ya well that's me! They should still be here. Maybe if they never met me they would still be here. I blame it all on me.

And Austin... I know is my fault. He was my boyfriend at that time. He cheated on me and he begged me to forgive him. I was so hurt that I told him I would never love him again in the same way. Little did I know that by saying that he lost all hope to live. I didn't know I was the only things keeping him alive. But I was. And later that night I got a text saying goodbye I will always love you. And I rushed to his house. You know what I found. His dying body in the bath tub. His parents weren't there. And I just held him. Crying. Feeling my life slip from me. it felt like a dream. i ran out of the house. not wanting to believe it. then his brother texted me. telling me he was gone and still i couldn't believe it. talk about  slipping into insanity... i refused to believe it even though he died in my arms.

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