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Silent wings of velvet carried the owl as it watched onwards seeing everything, yet no one seeing the owl. His form black in the starlight, what little there was considering the light pollution from the city, yet lighted white by the moonlight. The sight of an owl here was rare here... people would normally exclaim upon catching a glimpse of a moon basked feather. But no, the attention was far from the skies... humans rarely looked upwards unless they had a particular reason to but the occasion sent all eyes to one location. All attention was on glaring red and blue lights which disrupted the night so rudely, not to mention the blaring of those sirens and screech of rubber upon gravel leaving a slight burning stench in the air which was accompanied by the metallic hint of blood. Worse than that was the crying borderline screaming. The frantic, desperate screams which pierced through the night's sky. There had been an impact. Someone was injured.

With black eyes as dark as the night sky itself the owl settled in a tree, claws hooked on a branch watching the happenings unfolding as a figure was moved into the wailing white beast of a vehicle. With a screech of itself the owl was off back into the night, leaving the sounds to ebb away into a rush of air and the distance hum of the city below.

Ryeowook tossed against the white sheets of his bed, clenching the duvet cover tightly in a death grip as if it would drag him from his dark slumber like a life raft would drag one from the depths of the dark ocean. It was providing no such relief however as the dream had woven the web too tightly upon him already. He remained the prey. He wasn't going to escape.

The scenery changed now as the owl sweep across the city, but there was darkness... an all-consuming blackness which lingered around the edge of the vision. It crept unnoticeable at first further in - swallowing more with each passing second - until it was obvious and too close for comfort bringing with it a sense of foreboding. With a sense of panic there was a futile attempt to hold it back, to stop it. It didn't stop however... they weren't going to stop it anyway.

Then was pure unadulterated darkness. It was not a cushion; it wasn't soft or comforting it was the kind which sent a prickling of skin down peoples' arms and backs, a chill run through their veins turning blood to ice. A tightening left him feeling like he couldn't breathe, like he was suffocating - like he was going to die.

A constant beep brought him back however bringing with it a stream of green tinted light into the darkness... it was hazy and wasn't very bright as he swam towards it but it may have been a spotlight in comparison to the darkness that had reigned before. It was as he drew closer to the light that he released what the light and the sound was. A heart monitor.

By now the covers were off, he never liked his feet restrained by the covers anyway but tonight all of the covers were off the side of the bed leaving him in his thin pinstripe pyjamas to continue to turn wrinkling the pyjama bottoms as he attempted to move in them yet them restraining him thanks to his weight against the mattress tugging them back against his moving legs. He was left in a cold sweat practically smashing his face across his pillow as he let out small frantic murmurs, wishing the dream to be over. He didn't like this dream. Not one bit. Especially the way it felt too realistic to be a dream.

He was released from the dream sobbing as the dull and final tone of the heart monitor went off. His eyes shot open but aside from that he had stilled, he felt like he couldn't move all of a sudden from a great weight that pushed down upon him from all sides rather as if the force of gravity had increased. His eyes remained fixated upon the ceiling noting the uneven plastering eyes following bumps and curves; it was a familiar and strangely comforting after that dream. Or rather nightmare. Letting out a last weak sobs the nightmare had left him with, he felt exposed, cold and... a pain in his side. Finally gathering the strength to move from the position he turned his head to notice last night's book digging into his side no doubt going to leave an imprint. He wasn't going to read one of her books again before going to bed he was sure if it lead to dreams like that. Maybe he should start reading lighter things such as children stories about mischievous fairies and elves.

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