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"Harry!" She'd been being sweet and softly blowing in his ear. Then she had tickled it, then Licked it. Nothing seems to be rousing him. He was a very  heavy sleeper and could fall asleep anywhere if left unattended for any length of time, but this was ridiculous. She was beginning to think she had killed him last night.

What a way to go. She had at least exhausted him. Her volume was bothering her own ears, and not a stir.

Ada had just been so jubilant when they made it back to the room last night. The last several weeks probably could have not gone better. After her freak out and their private painting party, they had hit their stride. Harry had been consistently amazing on camera, and at home, with the occasional grand slam to bout.

Clearly last night helped both of their batting averages.

The studio was thrilled with the dailies and so was Ada. It was cute and timely and classic and beautiful, her cinematographer captured Japan and her vision and Harry, all to their best advantage. They had submitted a request for just a little extra time for the Elvis scene. And she thought they made get it.

Even with all of the progress they had made, they'd still need another couple days in the schedule to get the love me tender scene, but Ada had been sneaky and was shooting the film like it was a sure thing.

After she had her encouraging call with her studio handler she'd basically flown to the vans that took everybody back to the hotel, and she nearly sat on Harry's shoulder to chirp out her lark's song. But then she remembered that they were trying to be subtle. 

She sucked at subtle, it wasn't her style, but she liked privacy, and craved respect. She was working on that with her therapist, as it went to crazy lengths. Nevertheless, it meant they were clandestine lovers, which was lovely and exciting, if limiting.her boyfriend, as he had self identified, shocking the hell out of her the other day, was right there and she couldn't share her hope.

It would wait, she caught his eye and his eyes lightened in that way they did when they made eye contact and then further when he read her open face like a book.

Harry knew she was excited, he could tell. It was lovely all over her warm face, but they had lots of company. Ada wasn't ready to share with everybody that they may have a few extra days. Firstly, because she didn't know for sure and discretion, as she had told Harry the other day, was the better part of valor, and secondly, she wasn't going to ask everybody. They didn't need them, and she would never get the days with the full budget. Concessions. They had to be made.

So, he'd have to wait to find out if they gave her all the time. She looked hopeful enough. Just not here.

But her caught her in the bathroom, there was only the one stall with the very high tech toilet, and as she came out, he gently gripped her waist and causally hoisted her back in. She loved when he handled her with ease, but she didn't like being handled. Or so she thought until he was Dali and she was Kahlo. She'd loved how he handled her emotional state and then handled her.

"What's up Harry?" She asked, with her hands on his forearms then gripping his  elbows.

"You tell me. You are lit up like the Tokyo tower! Why didn't we film there by the way?"

"Permits, expense!" She shrugged. She'd tried, they'd shoot on the lawn if the could manage it. "Why do movies ever diverge from "the vision." She didn't grump More, but maybe harry didn't know that. She bet Nolan got his vision. With his track record and noms, and following and penis. Speaking of, she was ready to say fuck valor and his buddy discretion. What height was the sink.

"Nope, no distracting me!" He said when she tried to kiss him. "What's the news?" His leaf green eyes, the color of wasabi today, flicked back and forth over her ink eyes. He was written there. So was her excitement.

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