Chapter Six

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Jace's POV

I tried to calm my temper-between the king's constant notice, his sons, and not being able to keep an eye on Skyler, I was a wreck inside. When I caught sight of her and one of my troop leaders going off to the side near the fringe of trees, I could not help but follow after excusing myself from the front party. I could see that the king was curious but did not care enough to ask more of it. And then when I saw how close he was to her...

And caught his comment on her being beautiful. As I thought of it, my fists clenched and energy surged and crackled around me. As I shoved through the dancers and scanned for Maeris's disguised face, Morfilians threw me nervous or daring glances. I had left Skyler near the band of gremlin servers where I could semi trust her to not get into further trouble. I did not admit to myself that it was also the opposite side of the floor from Hemlock, who I would keep a closer eye on. 

"Jaceannel!" came a voice behind me. I turned to find a noblewoman, dressed in an orange confection that twinkled in every light. It was rather abhorrent, so I nodded to show brief recognition and continued my search. I could afford to be rude. I could not afford to leave Skyler unattended for too long. 

It seemed like forever when I finally spotted her in the middle of the dance area with another of my troop members. I disagreed with the practice of multiple partners, but to each their own. Her violet eyes spied me coming and quickly excused herself from her partner.

"What is it?" she asked immediately. She was in a blue gown that complimented her unnatural coloring, but did not look near as irresistible as Skyler.

"She has had pulpai. I left her to sit it out with the lurix so I would not draw unnecessary attention. More, if not too late."

She gave a curt nod and was gone. I was left to briefly stare coldly at the now alone troop member she'd left behind, who in turn gave a salute and disappeared in the crowd. 

"Bring your new partner," came a soft murmur blown right into my ear. The king. Chills ran down to my core; he could transfer his voice and sound over long distances, such as this. He had only used it a handful of times with me, but usually during Sharve attacks. I glanced towards the front of the gathering to where I had left the king and his company. His eyes were on me, a hand casually left to a 'deep thought' posture. I nodded, though I cringed and cursed myself for being so reckless. But then I thought of whom he referred: Maeris or Skyler?

I would take a chance and retrieve Maeris. If that was the wrong one, then he would just have to make due. I flashed to where Skyler had been left, and Maeris was already there. My stomach was in one big knot, but my voice came out as a harsh rasp.

"Winnow, you are needed with the king," I said. "He has requested an audience."

Her eyes grew round. Skyler's eyes were closed with her head tipped back in the flickering balls of light. A lurix was by her chair with a tentacle resting on her shoulder. Was she asleep? I was tempted to prod her, but I did not think that would be a wise move. That would give an indication that we were more acquainted than what was already shown. My left hand itched to brush the small piece of stray hair that was on her forehead. 

"Better go then," Maeris muttered. "Great. Already getting off the wrong foot." She glanced between Skyler and I, then to the gremlin. "What should we do with her? I think the buzz has worn off, but I guess she's tired."

"It would be best for her to get some rest elsewhere in that case," I ground out, staring at Maeris with intensity to get my underlying meaning across. 

She took it and nodded. She looked at the gremlin and spoke to it. Why she would bother was a wonder to me. But then I caught the language she spoke and understood- she could speak their language. A Polyglot. That's where Skyler got it from. I assumed she was telling it to take Skyler to Rayne's kin living quarters. 

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