In Sickness and in Health

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Dear Katie,

                     I'll just start it like this, we met in orientation and instantly clicked in Latin. You are such a sweet girl. You are oh so very innocent. I can't believe you chose me to be your friend. You deal with my sailor's mouth all of the time. You don't care it seems. Well except for when I say things like Holy fucking shit! You don't like that. I do have to say, you judge WAY too much. You thought I was the devil's daughter because I like SWS and As I Lay Dying. You said I came from the devil's loins(does he have loins?) because of my music. I don't appreciate that. Just because someone likes a certain type of music doesn't mean you have to judge them. I don't say anything about you liking classics like Queen. That's just the music you like. I honor that. You like a type of music. I like mine. Anywho... you and I seem to end up being sick at the same time. Leaving only Kaila in Latin. Poor Ms. Tran.... Well anyway, thanks for being a somewhat good friend. I mean, you are nice(when you're not judging me), you're okay i guess. Thanks I  guess for being there. Okay.... Bye.


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