chapter - 10

7 3 2

Two days have passed !

Today is last day when I am grounded tomorrow I'll go back to school . Thank god ! .

Lots of things happened in these two days . Diana as usual was bitchy but I was happy . Richard kept entertaining me . Jack and Lucy as usual kept  supporting me  and messed with each other . Winnie treated me like her own daughter . I wish she was my guardian .

Ever thing is fine but Derek I have not seen him after the party not even once , he even didn't came for dance practice . I wish he is ok even though he is pain in ass .

I finished all my work early today as there were not many costumers . Winnie gave me off early today .I don't wanna go to that hell back so soon .  I'll go to my favourite place .

The lake side

As it was near from restaurant so I took my skateboard and went .

" This is so beautiful so calm . My happy place " I breathed the fresh air

" So are you "

Someone wisphered in my ear . The voice was raspy and deep . Goosebumps rised on my skin . I hesitantly turned to see who was he

" Derek "

" Hi baby doll " he winked

" You basterd " I slapped on his chest

" Oww it hurts girl "

" Why do you have to frighten me all the time " i glared at him .

" Easy doll you were so engaged in admiring the beauty so I didn't wanted to disturb you "

" But you did , and I am not your doll asshole , anyways where were you I have not seen you for so long "

" Where I was . Seriously for three fucking  days you didn't come to school. And you are asking me where I was . Where were you "

Anger . He is angry . But what the hell did I do

" Mmm.. I ...I was .. I was busy "

" Ya sure you were . I saw you today at Winnie's "

" I ... Work there "

" You what !! "

" Seriously what made you change your job from tutor to waiter "

He laughed

" Diana made me do the job "

" Oh " he frowned

" Hey don't show me pity . I like my job winnie is cool . She treats me like her own daughter "

" That's great , anyway day after tomorrow is audition "

Holy crap !!!!

Auditions I fukin forgot about them.

" Ok so did you prepared anything "

" Hell no you were supposed to teach me stupid . We had a deal  re - mem - bere "

I rolled my eyes he was stressing on word remember .

" Ok easy dude you have moves so it will be easy for you to learn I'll teach you today as I have time .

" Fine "

We practiced for three hours straight .

" I'll die any time now . God I don't wanna die so soon "

" Hey drama queen you won't die . Assholes don't die so soon  . Just take a break "

He rolled his eyes

Badboy's Cinderella ♥️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن