chapter 1

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Sonic POV.
I basking in the sun and scourge was was sitting in the shade. I felt like I was overheating. I moved to get some shade in my den. My mom was there with manic and sonia. Tomorrow we become apprentices tomorrow.
"Sonic I'm so excited for tomorrow"Sonia said.
I smaller than all the other males and females. I slithered out of the den. I traveled to of the nest and looked for something to hunt down. I suddenly saw a rabbit hopping in the field. I croched in the grass. Before I could grab it,a red and black tail wrapped around it and pulled it away.
"Hey, that was my kill"I said
Sitting up. I stopped at the sight of a big naga from my tribe. He looked at me with his red eyes. He was bigger than the other males in the tribe.
"Hey are you a naga pup? what are you doing out there"he said.
"Should I ask why you are"I said.
"I am hunt for the tribe, I was put on hunting patol"he said.
"I will be an apprentice tomorrow"I said.
"You should go back, Maybe you can hunt tomorrow"he said and slithered away with the rabbit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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