Tagged by my Favorite Type of Amazon

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Tagged by AlexaJulie06

1. My favorite color is black. I wear it all the time and I lol inside my soul and see that it is black. JK! I have a heart and a soul (My Dad thinks otherwise)
2. Best friends-Umm, the person who tagged moi, and probably no one else on Wattpad. (She's my favorite person on here, so check her stuff out. She makes my day)
3. I don't like The Eagles or modern boy bands. Or KPOP. I'm sorry if I offended you
4. People at school called me Barbara because I have a mom haircut. It just kinda stuck. People don't do it as much, but it still happens. And taco sweater girl. My school has taco Tuesdays, and I wear a taco sweater every week.
5. Celebrity crush- George Harrison, enough said
6. My favorite album right now is probably Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys, but It'll probably be different next week
7. I last texted my favorite cousin
8. OTP - probably Paul and Linda McCartney, because they're the best.
9.My Birthday- if you looked carefully in my original George x reader you'd find it. But not anymore
10. I'm a Capricorn
11. My favorite class is Band
12. I'm single
I tag anyone who wants to partake

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