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"W-What!?" Steve sputtered, clawing at the other boy's hands, which were wrapped around his neck.

Herobrine laughed, and gently stroked a hand along Steve's face. "You're so cute, Stevie."

"Don't...call me... that..." Steve whined quietly as Herobrine grabbed his cheek and leaned in slowly. His thumb gently stroked Steve's bottom lip.

"So cute." Herobrine whispered. Steve closed his eyes as he felt Herobrine kiss him.

He reached his hands up to grab handfuls of Herobrine's hair, feeling his trembling body relax against the wall of the cave. He whimpered softly as their mouths moved in sync. How was it possible to fall so deeply in love with someone he had never met before?

He can faintly hear Alex calling his name, but he doesn't care, because the boy in front of him is so perfect and their bodies are so close and he needs more. He needs more. He needs--

He wakes up, shaking and sweating all over. Alex looks away from the crafting table she's standing at and frowns at him.

"Geez, Stevie," Alex said. "You must've been having one hell of a dream."

"Y-Yeah." he stammers. "I guess you could say that."


"So." Alex looks down at her hands, trying to process the information. "You're saying this guy wants to kill you, but he also likes you?"

"I guess? It was weird. I've never seen him before."

Alex looks up at him. "Herobrine. That name rings a bell. And the fact that he showed up in your dream when you've never even seen him before... That's seriously freaky, Steve."

"You're probably just exaggerating, 'lex. It was just some weird dream. I'm not even gay. I mean, I've never liked a boy before."

"Well, you've never liked a girl before either, Stevie. And it does seem like you're rather fond of this Herobrine guy."

"Ugh, just forget it, Alex. Let's go mine. There's a cave nearby, maybe we'll find some gold or something."

"Okay." Alex hesitates, before standing up. "You know I won't hate you if you do like boys, right?"

"Yeah." Steve mutters. "I know."

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