"So.. it's been a while since the two of us have hung out."

"Hiro. We were at the mall together not that long ago."

"I know-! But still." Hiro smiled.

Violet gave a small smile in response, she patted him on the shoulder.

The two laughed, and walked down the street. It took a while but they finally arrived at the Parr household.

Entering the house, Violet greeted her dad.

"Hey kids. How was your day?" Bob asked with a smile.

"It was okay I guess. We're just going to head up to my room so yeah-" she spoke for herself, and Hiro.

"Oh okay. Let us know if you need anything!"

Violet grabbed Hiro's hand and ran up the stairs with him. They quickly arrived in Violets room, and sat down on her bed.

Hiro looked around the room. "Wow it looks a lot different since the last time I was in here"

"Thanks. I redecorated a while ago- I guess..."

Hiro's eyes came to a stop as his feet landed on something. "Oh. What's under the bed."

Violet suddenly remembered she let Baymax roam around her room. And that his batteries died.

"Oh it's just Baymax."


"Remember the last time we hung out I kind of Stole him from you."

Hiro nods with an awkward smile. He then looked up and looked at a large cork board on the wall. They contained many pictures all in a collage.

The pictures were of none other than her and Tony.

Interesting...pictures of her and Tony.

Nothing too bad though of course, just some  casual kissing and stuff, you know the gist.

It made Hiro feel a little weird inside. He ended up scooting back towards the bed-frame too noticeably.

Violet noticed, and Looked over in the direction Hiro was looking. She frowned.

"Sorry." Hiro looked away.

Violet stood up. She looked at all the pictures, her eyes landing on the most recent one.

The picture at the fairgrounds.

"I remember this day." She said, as she took it off the board.

Hiro got up and walked over to her. He saw what she was looking at.

"That day was fun.." she says with a somber tone in her voice.

"Yeah. I guess." Hiro muttered.


"Yeah dude I can't make it, I got the flu from Wilbur. I really wanted to come, but I need to rest. I hope you have fun. Bye Hiro." Penny said through the phone.

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