Chapter Two

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A week later...

Abigail's POV:

"Aren't you going to come up to bed?" Hermione asked. "Huh? Oh, no, not yet," I replied. "Look... about yelling at you last week. I'm sorry. I didn't understand," she said. "Oh ok, thank you," I said. "I just wanted you to know that you can talk to me if you need to," she said. "Do you look down on me because I'm dating Snape?" I asked, looking down at my feet.

"No, of course not. Besides, I think that you two are absolutely adorable together," she said. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to go see him tonight. It's our first date," I said. "My lips are sealed as long as you promise to tell me all about it later," she said and winked. "Most definitely," I said and pulled my invisibility cloak on. It was a gift from Snape.

An hour later...

I took off my invisibility cloak when I neared Snape's room. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Filch said and I jumped. "I have a detention with Snape," I replied. "Oh really? In his chambers?" he asked. "Y-yes... he said to meet him-" "For a date. News doesn't travel quite as quickly as I thought," Snape said behind me. "Snape?" Filch asked. "Abigail might be a first year, but she's of age where she can walk these halls freely. And without getting a detention," Snape said.

"Oh, is that so? How old is she?" Filch asked. "I-I'm sixteen," I stammered. "I'll be asking Albus so I'll let it slide... For now," Filch said and walked away. "Now, shall we have our date?" Snape asked. "O-ok," I whispered and let myself be led into his chambers.

"I wasn't sure if you'd be hungry, so I prepared a small snack just in case," Snape said and we sat down. "Thanks," I said. We sat in silence for a while, not sure of what to say. "Madam Pomphrey told me that she found claw and bite marks on your back. Were... um... were you attacked by an animal?" he asked.

"Yeah... I was... um... five when it happened. Mum and Dad took us all out for an overnight camping trip. That's Percy, the twins, Charlie, and Bill. Percy got mad at me for stepping on him one night when I was making my way to the bathroom. I-I went outside and wandered off. I ended up getting lost and a man bumped into me. He seemed kind at first..."

"You look lost little girl," the man said. "I-I am," I replied. "Why don't I help you back to your tent?" he asked. "O-ok," I replied. "What does your tent look like?" he asked. "Um... it's light blue and green. It's medium si-" I was stopped when the man started transforming. I ran away, but the man jumped on me and shoved me to the ground. "Please! Stop! Help me!" I screamed as he started to scratch at my back. It hurt... and it wouldn't stop! "Mommy! Daddy! Help me! Please! Please! Come save me! Help!" I yelled.

"Abigail! Abigail! Can you hear me?! Abigail, come on! Snap out of it!" I heard someone yelling. They were shaking me violently and I snapped back to reality. I was on the floor in a ball, shaking and Snape was kneeling over me. "Snape, what happened?" I asked. "You were telling me what happened to you when... um... how do I say this? You..." he struggled. "Did I hurt you? Did I break something?" I asked. "No, you kinda got caught in the memory," he replied and I looked down.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Look what I did to your carpet," I said, noticing I had shredded it abit. "It's alright, I'm not mad," he said. "R-really?" I asked. "Yes, really. Besides, it's about time I changed this ugly carpet anyway," he said. "Can I tell you something?" I asked. "Sure," he said. "In two days time, I'll transform into a werewolf. I-I need your help. I need you to find me. Can you do that please?" I asked. "Of course," he said, hugging me. "Thank you," I said, snuggling into him.

"Filch just told me that you have a date with Abigail! Is this true, Severus?" Minerva asked, barging into the room. "Yes, it's true," I replied. "How can you lead her on like this?! She's underage! Her parents contacted the Minister!" Albus yelled. "You're gonna be sent to Azkaban!" Minerva yelled. "Azkaban?" I asked and fainted.

Snape's POV:

"Azkaban?" Abigail asked and fainted in my arms. "I wasn't planning on doing anything besides eat. Maybe play some Muggle board games. I'd never take advantage of her! Especially with her being so vulnerable!" I yelled. "Vulnerable!? She's sixteen, so of course she's vulnerable!" Minerva yelled. "FYI, the age of majority is sixteen, so I'm well within my rights to date Abigail!" I yelled. "What do you mean by vulnerable?" Albus asked.

"Well, for one, her parents don't give a shit about her. Neither does most of her siblings except the twins and maybe Bill and Charlie. She's alone. Also, I believe she is an extremely rare species of werewolf," I replied. "A w-werewolf?" Minerva asked. "She told me that she was attacked by a werewolf when she was five years old. I think that she may be an omega werewolf, which is rare for a turned werewolf," I replied.

"She can stay with Severus," the Minister said from the doorway. I drew Abigail closer to my body. "She... Abigail can stay with me?" I asked. "Yes, I will make exception this one time. She may continue attending Hogwarts. But, if I get word that you've taken advantage of her, you will serve time in Azkaban. You go at her pace and you only do it when she's ready," he replied. "Thank you," I said. "Oh, and you better be right about her being an omega werewolf. Because if you're not, and she attacks one of the students or staff, she'll be caged," the Minister said before leaving the room.

"Do her parents know about her being a werewolf?" Minerva asked. "I assume so, but you'd have to ask them about it. It could be why they don't seem to care very much about her," I replied. "Minerva... Why don't we leave these two alone so that Abigail can rest," Albus said. "But what..." Minerva started. "We can discuss this later," Albus said. "She's in my house, so I decide what happens! You can't just expect me to just let her stay with Snape... and in his private chambers no less!" Minerva snapped.

"Have I ever taken advantage of a student before?" I asked, standing up with Abigail in my arms. "No," Minerva replied. "Then why would I start now with someone I love and want to protect with everything I have?" I asked. "Oh alright, but we will talk tomorrow," Minerva replied and stalked out of the room. "Thank you, Albus," I said. "Take good care of her and keep an eye out for her," he replied and left me standing there with Abigail in my arms. I carried her into my bedroom and called for a house elf, who pulled the covers back for me.

After carefully lying her down, I went to get the student's homework to mark. I sat on the bed feeling happy that I had Abigail by my side. "I will protect you with my life," I whispered. I stroked her head before getting down to marking. After a while I felt cold and shivered. "'Re cold?" Abigail asked slurred tiredly, looking up at me. "Do not worry about me," I said, running a hand through her hair. "Get under the blanket if you're cold," she murmured sleepily, weakly lifting up the covers. "Ok," I said and slipped under the covers. I looked down to say something, but she'd already fallen back to sleep.

An hour later...

I finished marking the essay and I stretched before putting the parchments away. I slipped back under the covers and watched Abigail as she slept. She immediately curled up against my body. I hesitantly put an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "Mmm... Snape? You finished marking?" she mumbled. "Yes, I am," I replied. "I wanna kiss you," she whispered. "Ok," I said, offering my cheek. "Cheeky, but no. I wanna kiss something else," she said and grabbed my face with both hands. She pulled my head to her and kissed me hesitantly on the lips.

I deepened the kiss, pushing my tongue into her open mouth. She ran her fingers through my hair and I straddled her. After a while she pulled away, gasping for breath. "Wow... that was just... wow," I said. "One more time?" she asked. "Anything for you," I said and kissed her again. "I guess we get to be together, right," she asked when we broke apart.

"Huh?" I asked. "You're not going Azkaban," she replied, looking up hopefully at me. "No, the Minister said he'd make an exception if we went at your pace," I said. "There's something else, isn't there?" she asked. "H-have you ever attacked anyone while you've been a werewolf?" I asked. "No, I haven't. Fred and George always let me stay in their room when I transform. Even here at Hogwarts," she replied. "Ok, because the Minister said that he'd lock you up if you attack anyone," I said.

"You've got nothing to worry about. I apparently look like an overgrown wolf pup," she said. "Looks won't be a deciding factor if you were to attack anyone," I said. "Fred and George are still normal. Well as normal as they can be. So you've got nothing to worry about. I apparently act like an overgrown wolf cub as well," she said. "Ok, I believe you," I said, brushing her bangs away from her eyes. "Thanks," she said, reaching up to gently touch my face.

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