Chapter 4

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There is something about a road trip that brings out the kid in you. Getting away from the routine of living your life and enjoying the company of the people doing the same as you. All of you partaking in the escapism.

Deju Vu anyone?

We stopped at a gas station before leaving L.A. While Carter filled up the gas tank, Rihanna and I filled up on junk food. Doritos and Pringles. Reeces and Snickers. Pineapple Juice. Dr. Pepper and Sprite. Sunflower seeds. Peanuts. Cereal. Beef Jerky. And threw in some dirty magazines to boot. Oh yes we went in, all on Carter's dime.

We came back to the car with bags on top of bags, and he just grinned and asked if we got him anything. Rih threw him some breath mints and a gay male magazine.

They got into some witty banter as we got situated in the car, and all I could do was smile back and forth. They were so fucking different. Too different for any rational person to believe they would ever get along. Their personalities were so bold and distinct. Strong enough to be the center of attention in any room, except for now, as they battled for personality supremacy.

Seeing them interact was like watching a battle of the elements. If Carter was water, then Rihanna was fire. Both could be deadly. Both could be life savers.

Both had been my life savers in so many ways. My two biggest influences. My two essential lovers. Rihanna was like my coffee. My daily source of energy. Carter was like my mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Old-school soothing.

Both warmed my soul when I needed them most through the years. But they had been separate parts of my life until now. It was fascinating watching them go back and forth with each other. Like the unstoppable force vs the immovable object.

Just 30 minutes into this impromptu road trip Rihanna was already talking about making a detour.

"Bee," she said, as she looked down at her E-Tablet. "Tell your teacher friend to take us to San Diego."

"Why?" I asked as I looked back at her.

She grinned, leaned between the driver and passenger seats and showed me what she was looking at. I laughed out loud.

"Rih. Carter ain't trying to do nothing like that."

"So what. This is OUR vacation."

"Do nothing like what?" Carter asked as he drove.

"Nude Resort," I said, eying Mr. Carter.

He laughed, "What?"

Rihanna sat back in her seat and started reading.

"Pristine white beaches. Romantic dinners prepared by 5 star chefs. Gorgeous crystal clear blue water. Freedom Fall's Au Natural Experience is paradise for the uninhibited," she said. "Opened five years ago, this resort has been named the best clothing optional get-away in the U.S. by several publications, including Playboy, Travel, and The NY Times. Perfect for couples, naturist, and adults looking for a truly liberating vacation."

She stopped reading and looked up at me. "The rate is $800 a night."

I looked over at Carter who was obviously trying to contain his hearty laughter.

"A nude resort though?"

"It's clothing optional," I said.

"A NUDE RESORT though?" he laughed. "Y'all been to them before?"

"Oh yeah. Many times," I said. "None as luxurious as this though."

"Nowhere NEAR as luxurious as this," Rihanna echoed before showing me her tablet. The resort had over 500 five-star user submitted reviews.

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