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Marc, Adam, and Fucking Bitch were having a joyous evening at Adam's home, watching movies n shit.

"I'm going to the kitchen, y'all want anything?" said Marc, reaching for the remote to start the movie.

"Yeah bruh just bring us some...almonds? That sound good?" said Adam. David nodded as he looked up at Marc's almond eyes (haha).

"I never realized how short you were." said Adam, causing Marc to look back at him with an A N G E R Y look on his face.

"I never realized how gay you were, asshole." Marc said, with a snicker. He then proceeded to take a bite of the snickers bar. Mmm almond.

"Shut the fuck up I will FUCK YOU" said Adam. David stayed quiet but had a few laughs watching the argument play out. He decided to finally speak.

"Guys chill out we all know Marc is short" he said.

"Ok im out im bringing almonds doe.." said Marc, stomping out of the room.

"Fucking." said Marc to himself.

He gets the bag of almonds out of the cabinet and he begins to pour them out onto the bowl already on the table.
"How do I get revenge... should I pour disgusting things on the almonds such as hot sauce and perhaps some honey? No...that's extremely noticeable.

He thought for a while more.

"Why the fuck my dick hard. I'll just nut in the almonds."

He did his business and fucking nutted all over the perfectly good almonds. He ruined almonds. He thought to himself some more.

"I Am The Almond. I am One With The Almond."

He brings the almonds out to the two guys waiting for him on the couch.

"Finally, some good fucking food" says David, staring at the bowl while Marc sets jt down on the coffee table.


"Guess I will just take my seat at the end."

Marc sits down, wondering if they'll notice whats on the almonds or not.

David and Adam look at the almonds. They see something covering them but they have no idea what it is. They both decided to taste some anyway. They popped an almond into their mouths and both looked at eachother.

They know.

They continue eating the almonds. Marc glances at them and notices they are eating the almonds, he thinks they didnt realize his nut was in it but oh boy.....

They eat the whole bowl of almonds.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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