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The story I'm going to tell you happened in the smallest place in the world.. you probably never heard of. "Purpilion" is right infront of the human eyes but also so far away to be seen. It is the home of 'human like' creatures for example fairys, werewolfs, elves and others.. In the past 1000 years the creatures of Purpilion lived in peace under one sky until the 4 wealthy families of the small world fought each other for 50 years.. The 50 years long cold war was a memory that all Purpilion wanted to forget. Purpilion the beautiful world, which was filled with cherry blossoms, rainforests, aqua coloured sea's, misterious caves and especially happiness and peace, was divided into four regions by the great powerful Lord Drago. He petrified the leaders of the evil families and broke the bane on Purpilion even not today..

All 4 region have their own leaders today. Even though the regions are not in good terms anymore... the young leaders were ensuring peace.. but unfortunately only the leaders were able to get in contact. Creatures from two different regions could never meet..  It was the biggest rule for everyone. Purpilion was not only divided in 4 regions.. it was also divided in 4 seasons. If you're living in the winter region you could never feel the sun .. never play with the orange brown leaves.. never watch the blossoms.. Of course every season has pros and cons, but living in one season for the rest of your life was not really easy.. but now after generations past by everyone got used to it..

"Did someone see my brother?" Changkyun asked and looked around the room.
E-tion was mixing some herbs.. For sure he was experimenting again.. Changkyun had to leave the room as soon as possible before his Hyung was going to explode the entire hut..  He was a magician.. or he was just calling himself as one.. That's why even his name was unusual.. E-tion Hyung felt always special for some reason

"Nop.. Jaeyoung Hyung is not in Tulipilz.."

I sighed. 'Great..'

"Why are you asking Changkyuniee?" He asked while putting a bit of sugar into the pot..

"I wanted to go to the colder side of Tulipilz to water the flowers, but Jaeyoung Hyung said that it's the borderline to Crystalice and could be dangerous .. so I should always let him know if I want to go there.." Changkyun answered.. looking like a sad puppy..

"You informed me.. that's fine.. You can go!" E-tion smiled without looking up to Changkyun..

"REALLY?? You'll take the responsibility if something happens?"

He put the lid over the pot and approached him..

"I often cross the borders Kyunie, so don't worry.. " he whispered and winked him..

'Uff'! E-tion Hyung was always full of enthusiasm but especially his lame jokes led everyone to throw up in a corner.. His jokes about acrossing the borders weren't true. Altough he might be a magician.. no one could across the borders.. Changkyun would love to see other places and seasons other then Tulipilz, but that was impossible.. When he was 5 years old a noona named Joohyun tried to meet his boyfriend from the summer season.. She sometimes told Changkyun nice things about the area but he never questioned how she knew about it. On a really rainy day Changkyun followed her and saw even her boyfriend, who was dressed in shorts and sunglasses. He was 'big' and his skin color was extremely dark, which was really unusual to Changkyun.. He was really different from the guys he saw in Tulipilz.. So Orangelight must be a really warm place. Suddenly Joohyun run the hill down.. Changkyun wanted to scream.. She was not allowed to across... A loud scream filled his ears.. Changkyun looked down.. She was lying in the arms of her boyfriend and crying.. After the muscular man noticed that her flowerdress was burning he broke the embrace..

'Anyone(except for the leaders) who leaves his border is punished with the most painful death' he remembered the words he had to hear every second..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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