Chapter 23: Rescue

Start from the beginning

And that was when she heard the noise.

It sounded like clattering – the dropping of metal objects – followed by the thud of a body hitting the ground.

Maleen’s heart leap.

He’s here,’ She thought again; ignoring her thoughts from the past few seconds completely. Her head whipped up and watched the doorway hopefully; clinging to the bars and waiting to see him there...see him come waltzing through the door.

“Leroy?” A voice called making Maleen’s heart sink just a little, “Leroy Tresanillos?”

He knows him, that’s always a good sign...’ She thought, as the voice’s owner made himself visible.

He was a fairly tall man with broad shoulders and more muscle than Maleen had ever seen before. His skin was dark – very dark – almost black, and he wore a thin white shirt and cut-off trousers. His feet were bare, but they looked tough; used to walking on rough material.

His eyes scanned the empty prison cells; then his eyes rested on Maleen and Jozan.

“Has a man been in here recently?” he asked; his eyes stern.

“No,” Jozan answered bluntly.

“But I know who you’re looking for,” Maleen answered, desperately, “Captain Leroy Tresanillos, right? He’s my father. I’m looking for him too.”

The man walked up to her; walking past Jozan without even a second glance, and came so close that Maleen could almost feel the heat of him through the bars.

“What’s your name?” He asked.

“Maleen,” She answered, “I can help you. I can help you find him, if you’ll let me out of here.”

He stood for a moment, looking down at her from his great height. He looked sinister and Maleen guessed he could easily break her arm if he wanted to.

Then his face broke into a smile.

“Pedro Golding,” He said, placing a hand through the bars for Maleen to shake, “I’ve heard a bit about you – but that was a while ago. I can tell you’re his daughter, you know.”

Maleen smiled, “Do you know where he is?” She asked; desperation resting in every word.

“Yes. Isla de la Batalla – and island not far from here. That’s what I’ve heard. I’d be surprised if he wasn’t, to be honest; you haven’t seen what Leroy’s like when treasure’s involved.”

Jozan looked up.

“Treasure?” Maleen asked, “What treasure?”

“I’m not certain; but I do know where it’s supposed to be. Some business man on Silver Street owns a cluttered shop – inside should be one of the most valuable items in the world.”

Jozan’s eyes glistened once as he looked back down at the wood beneath him.

“How do you know all this?” Maleen asked in wonder.

“Word travels,” He answered simply, “We were on our way to the island when we saw this ship; and it made me wonder whether Leroy might’ve been picked up by Sarah, so we stopped by.”

“Why would Leroy have been picked up by Sarah?”

Pedro went to speak but heard another clatter from above, making him pause then carry on in a rush; “We can discuss this later; right now, I need to get you out of here – where are the keys?”

“On a nail, by the door; I watched her put them there just before she left.”

“Good job you’re observant,” Pedro muttered as he grabbed the keys off the hook and walked back to unlock Maleen’s cell. The bars swung open with little noise; just a small, insignificant squeak.

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