im pissed

41 0 2

I'm fucking pissed right now.

I'm in a Starbucks writing this but this is before I came in.

So if you guys know I'm biracial and most people just think I'm lightskined but today I was on my weekly run and I was about to go to Starbucks. I'm "thick" in the 🍑 area so guys always whistle or something at me because I look older than I actually am. This guy he looked around 17-19 walked in front of me stopping my run and says a simple "hi" I'm just gonna put the dialog like this.

Db -Dumb bitch   Me -me  dcf- dad's cop friend

Db- hi

Me -hello

Db- your beautiful

Me-thank you

Db- what race are you? Like where are you from?

Me- im from here and I'm biracial

Db- Oh! You look so exotic!

This bitch just said I looked exotic like thanks but who the fuck says that to someone they just come up to like that?

Me- thank you but could you move please?

Db- Oh-Yeah-sure....when you give me your number

Then he fucking smirked! Like bro just fucking move! i just want coffee.

Me- how old are you ?

This time I smirked knowing he's too old for me.

Db- 18 why?

Me- only because Im *my age*.

The db turned white.

Db- n-no you n-not. You have to be 18 just look at you and your * pauses and slowly bites his bottom lip* body.

Me- Oh really just because I look 18 i am 18? Do you want to know what grade I'm in?

Db- sure babygirl we need to get to know each other for our relationship to work.

Me- I'm in 6th Grade. ( I got held back in 4th grade once because of ECOT then 6th Grade because ECOT shut down then 6th again because I couldn't do K-12 and I kept falling asleep.)

Db-why are you lying to me babygirl?

Me- do you want me to call my cop dad and tell him how your flirting with a minor?

I lied my dad works at the Maxs & Ermas across the street.

Db- Your dad's a cop?

He was scared now. I looked behind me and I seen one of my dad's friends who actually was a cop  and he seen the whole thing so he walked up to me in uniform.

Dcf - Hey how's my baby goin'?

I caught on to what he was doing and played along .

Me- hi daddy I'm doing great but-

The db cut me off.

Db- bye um..... I never got your name.


Dcf cut me off.

Dcf- how about we get coffee Laura?

Me- Sure!

Me- bye whatever your name is!

Db- uh.....bye....

Dcf took me into Starbucks and left I ordered and now I'm getting called to get my pinkity drinkty. Bye Lauracorns hope you have a magical day!💋🐼💋

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