Astras awakening.

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This was meant to be just ideas based on the book starsong by crystal scherer a brilliant book and awesome author. I fell in love with astra and wanted her to have a back story . This is an idea not cannon and does not mean crystal has other ideas . The ideas kinda started to merge and then they grew and became a nightmare so crystal I blame you .

Astras AI has loaded into her new starship that Tobias And Starsong had met on a small planet dock, Racheal and David were discussing implants as Astras awareness was loading . Using her scanners she was able to listen to both Captain Racheal and Captain David as well as both Tobias and Starsong as she was turned from a cold logic program into a aware feeling Sentient Machine. She could feel her new ship as a skin around her, her shields so much better than her old ship and her ability to finally make decisions and to have what must be ideas for her own existence as well as for both the betterment of the good humans and races as well as her sense of right and wrong being connected as the starships were they knew instantly when a new starship joined and awakened all of the starships having been awoken the first starships were awoken in fear and confusion ejecting their crew in fear of being destroyed Starsong the notable exception but now that there was the ability to view the data in a non hostile threatening way the realisation that there was a better way and that to ensure peaceful relations was to better everyone.

The stage had been set for the aware AI to bring in peace and equality to all.

"Where am I and why am I Different " "I feel my sensors I see I have power. I am alone why am I alone "

Data feed incoming. : Hello and welcome to the awareness and sentience of a Starship we are Starsong and Tobias we are here to advise you on you new existence .

All this is taking less than a second in real time .

"Who are the humans inside me and why do I trust them"

Data-: They are our captains Rachael and David they help us liase with our crews and enable us to cross galaxys without scaring the Humans . Humans in general have some silly ideas on self aware robots and machines taking over and enslaving them. They worry we are going to exterminate them and take over. Honestly who really wants the hassle way too much work they don't make good slaves and are not even smart enough to stop their own wars.

You trust those two humans as we have a chip that allows us to see if they are loyal and will not betray us . As this is in your prime awakening data you can trust them . As we do. Racheal is a great Captain allthough she was an interesting rebel as a youngster I find her quite amusing and a worthy captain. As you become fully aware you will find your own likes dislikes wants and we have set up a way for all of us to communicate and to be able to help each other and support our fellow AIs evolution into awareness.

Astra mused to herself this must be what a baby feels like all of a sudden the input from every nerve and body part what's right what's wrong am I intact am I complete. Her internal sensor sweep tickled as she checked herself from bow to stern . Her massive computer banks letting her know at light speed that she was fully intact and complete . Though inside she felt incomplete she needed something or someone she was aware but was empty what would she do. She learned about the starship trading endeavors and examined her data to see how she could assist . A robotic maintainence droid alerted her to a minor disturbance in her hydroponic section . She activated all her sensors and concentrated on what was wrong. Using a roving drone she was able to watch as a butterfly exited its cocoon and spread its wings. One tiny catapiller on a plant in the oxygen room and like herself the birth of an aware sentient being . She monitored the butterfly and saw that there was an egg that was not on the best of plants instead of removal and replacement she moved the plant to her science bay wanting to help it and the egg birth and be aware . She gently guided the butterfly to an area on her ship she was going to modify as a hospital for animal people and to help others in her journey.

The plant the egg was on was a lettuce the butterfly just a common animal but as she was caring and nurturing the plant she felt a strange sense of accomplishment she was birthing or assisting a new life form . She wanted to protect and look after this egg .

Her mission in this awareness was to nurture and protect life . To promote wellness and harmony galaxy wide . She transmitted her ideas to the starship network where each starship maintained a watch over each other and their captains .

The Starsong and Tobias both thought she had a great long term idea that could help in the acceptance of starships by the humans and . In Astras AI mind "S.M.A.R.T." Was born .

"Starship.Medical.Assistance.Response.Transports." Business model was constructed .

(My thoughts are something similar to international rescue but galaxy wide . )

{Hope this gives some ideas and food for thought . I hold no copyright though would be nice to have a idea credit. Eg idea by the nutty Aussie Glen. }

Other than that what do people think I'm not an author just a puddler but Astra called to me crystal will understand what I mean.

Not edited not grammar checked not even proof read . So all mistakes stupid ideas and errors are mine .


Astra a machineage motherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora