Chapter 5: Love in the Sky

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Migs looked around the place trying to find Sobeko, he noticed something behind the waterfall and squinted at it. "BOO!" "AAH!" Migs backed away when Dulce's face popped out of the water fall. The yellow jaquin fell into the water as Dulce laughed. "Dulce! Quit playing around and help me find Sobeko! He could be anywhere!" He told her as he got out of the water shaking his fur dry "Aw come on Migs have a little fun for once"

Dulce flew down to face him, Migs felt his heart beat and his ears fell in shyness "I don't get it. I've heard so much about you, being a navegara and fighting with the princess of Avalor only to find out that your...a scaredy cat" Dulce said with a fake disappointed tone and a mishevous smirk as Migs reacted upset.

"Scaredy cat?!" Migs said offended and he walked up to her to face her "I am not a scaredy cat!" "Prove it" Dulce said nose to nose making Migs blush even more. The purple jaquin ran straight to the waterfall and waved at Migs to come over "try to catch me Migsy" the yellow jaquin blushed from the nickname again and shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Dulce!" He panicked when she jumped below the waterfall without using her wings and got near the edge to check if she was ok, the purple jaquin popped out of the water laughing and she looked up noticing Migs's concerned look "Aw you do care for me Migsy" "Well why wouldn't I be?" She laughed after seeing him start to smile with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright Dulce you asked for it. I'm coming in" the purple jaquin got surprised at the more serious jaquin wanting to join in the fun. Migs backed away a few steps "Alright Migs you can do it, just a jump into the water don't use your wings" he told himself a bit scared but closing eyes, Migs ran and jumped off the edge and into the water...SPLAT!

Migs landed a belly flop on the water slowly sinking, Dulce winced from how painful it look but she noticed Migs didn't pop out of the water which worried her "Migs?" She got closer to the spot where he landed her ears down in worry until "GASP!" Migs got out of the water his paws around Dulce as he breathed heavily shaking from the cold water "That is the last time I'm ever doing that! And don't tell anyone about this" Migs said sternly but he was stun when he stared closely at Dulce's eyes shimmering like the sun. Dulce also stared at him stun until he got off of her, clearing his throat.

"Well um uh..." He fiddled with his paws until "tag your it" he tagged her paw quickly before flying off and Dulce shook her head realizing she was tagged "Oh ho Migsy I'm gonna get you!" She said and chased after him around some trees and into the bushes, their movements rustled the leaves until BUMP!

Migs and Dulce popped out of the bushes rubbing their heads, Dulce then realized Migs was there and she could easily tag him "tag your it!" Her paw landed on his nose and the surprise look on his face made the purple jaquin burst into laughter. Migs started to laugh too their laughter seemed to match. They finally calmed down and smiled at eachother blushing a little, Migs founded Dulce actually fun to be around and her smiled made him feel warm inside...he realized he was falling in love with Dulce.

The same went for Dulce, she found Migs to be adorable when he was serious but she also found a playful side in him like he was still a cub she found it interesting. But the two didn't notice someone coming around from the corner with an amulet...Sobeko.

Migs's ears perked at a sound and his eyes caught the crocodile shoot a green magic blast from the amulet to them! "Watch out!" He quickly pushed Dulce out of the way in a close call. Sobeko laughed evilly as Migs sprang up on his feet snarling at him while Dulce stood up too.

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