Chapter 2

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"Dani, Truth or Dare?" Louis asked.

"Um...Dare?" I said, though it came out more as a question. "I dare you too..." His face lit up and he put on an evil smirk. "DYE YOUR HAIR BLUE!" He yelled. I shook my head.

"Sorry, but I like my hair brown" I smiled. "Too bad. A dare is a dare. You have to do it" Louis said proudly. "Fine." I huffed. I got up and walked to the bathroom while everyone else followed me.

"Wait, why do you have so many hair products? You have more than Zayn!" Niall said. "HEY!" Zayn said slapping him upside the head,

“Well, El and I usually dye each other's hair as a joke." I said pulling out the 'Electric Blue" hair dye. "Interesting. How long does it last?" Harry said. I read over the description. "3 months" I grumbled.

The boys and El went into hysterics as I took the dye out of the box. "You're going to pay for this, Lou" I said as I put the dye in my hair. "Now keep it in for 30 minutes. Then we wash it out" Niall said. I shot him a death glare as we walked out of the bathroom and went back to playing the game,

"Niall, truth or dare?" I asked him. "Dare." He said. I smirked. I have the best dare for him.

"I dare you to skip break fest tomorrow" I said. He looked at me wide-eyed. "You can't do that!" He whined. "Yes she can. No rules" Liam piped in.

"Fine. But your sooo dead" Niall said. I rolled my eyes at him, and he smirked.

"Liam, truth or dare?" Niall asked Liam. "Dare?" He questioned. Niall thought about it for a while, and then his face lit up.

"I dare you to...snog Dani" He said evilly. "WHAT?" We both shouted at the same time. "You heard me. Now kiss. Tongue and all" He smirked.

“You realize I have a boyfriend, and if I kiss Liam, I’ll technically be cheating on him.” I said. Liam’s face fell when I said I had a boyfriend, but I must have been seeing things.

“So. It’s just a dare. It’s not like you have feelings for each other” Niall said.

Did I have feelings for Liam? I mean, I just met him not to long ago, but I do believe in love at first sight, but then again, Liam doesn’t feel the same.

“Fine” Me and Liam said at the same time. We made eye contact and I blushed.

We shook our heads at Niall and his immaturity. "Are you OK with this?" Liam whispered. I nodded.

We slowly leaned in, and his lips came in contact with mine. He put his arms around my waist pulling me closer and I tangled my fingers in his hair. He lightly bit my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I granted. Our tongues explored each other’s mouths.

You know how they say you feel fireworks and sparks if you really like that person? Well, that's what I feel right now.

Do I really have feelings for Liam? We only have known each other for not even a day.

We pulled apart and got wolf-whistles from the boys. I blushed and looked down.

"Oh look. 30 minutes is up. Time to wash out this hair dye" I said breaking the silence and getting up to go to the bathroom.

I turned the shower faucet on and locked the bathroom door. I stripped from my clothes and stepped into the shower. I rinsed the hair dye out of my hair, and massaged my scalp.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my body off and put my clothes back on, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and groaned. I already missed my brown hair.

I unlocked the bathroom door and was greeted my gasps from the boys and El. "Holy blue hair!" Louis and El cried. They looked at each other and blushed.

"It looks bad. Doesn't it?" I asked. "It'" Niall said. I groaned and looked at the clock. 12:30 AM.

Time flies by when you’re having fun.

"It's really late. Let's get to bed. I'll show you your rooms. El, are you sleeping over tonight? I have school in 7 hours." I said. She nodded.

"Can't you take one day off?" the boys whined. "No. Tomorrow's the last day of finals, and I need to send my college application to Princeton. I always wanted to go there for college" I said.

The boys groaned and followed me to their rooms. "Louis, this is your room" I said pointing to the first door on the right. "Harry, your across from him" I said pointing to the door across.

They both said goodnight and ran into their rooms and I showed Zayn and Niall their rooms.

"Crap. We're short one room" I said. Since El was sleeping over, there isn't enough room. "Liam, take this room, El, you take my room. I'll take the couch." I said.

Liam shook his head. "No. I'll take the couch." "Too late." I said pushing him in the room and running down the stairs and lied down on the couch.

Something tells me when me and Liam kissed; he felt the fireworks, too,

The Next Morning


I woke up and let out a long yawn. I hopped out of bed and walked out of my room to be greeted by Louis.

"Dude, you like her" He stated. I sighed. No way was I getting out of this, "So what. She probably doesn't like me," I said walking to the living room, where Dani was sound asleep on the couch. "You're kidding right? Do you not see the way she looks at you? She totally has feeling for you." Louis said. I shook my head. "She doesn't love me. Not like I love her." I said. "You should just talk to her. Tell her how you feel" He said patting my back and walking out of the living room.

I sighed. He was right. Maybe I could tell her now.

"Dani, I know I only known you for less than a day, but my feelings for you a too strong for me to ignore. Dani, I-i think I love you." I said.

I shut my eyes, but they soon shot open.

"Liam? Is that true?"

Cliff hanger!! Don't hate me!

Who do you think heard that?

Will Dani and Liam get together?

Picture of Dani's hair colour off to the side.

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Dani xx

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