Seal Team:

Thomas Hawthorn - Fire Team Alpha heavy arms fire support SEAL Team 2

'Doc' Bob Holliday - Medic for Alpha Fire Team SEAL team 2

'LT' Lt. Commander John Hammond - Team Lead of Fire Team Alpha SEAL Team 2

O'Connor Pack:

Marco - Alpha Odin O'Connor's assistant and normal Omega wolf mid-level in Pack

Joel – Mid-ranked Omega of O'Connor Pack met at Gate of compound when Dante and Lily first arrived

Odin O'Connor - Alpha of O'Connor Pack 6'4" 250lbs brown hair with streaks of gray and blue eyes. Lily's Father and mate to Victoria O'Connor who is Lily's Mother. O'Connor family business of mining operations and cattle ranch in Montana, 125,000 acres

Victoria O'Connor - Madame Alpha of O'Connor Pack and mate to Odin O'Connor and Lily's Mother. Appears as a slightly shorter and older version of Lily. Runs O'Connor Pack's day-to-day functions as well as runs the entire Manor House and works with the various Pack Head function wolves. Also in charge of Pack junior female wolves and compound's education.

Michael O'Connor - Younger brother is 19 as of 2011 and on East Coast for college until somewhere in Book 2

Rose - Interior designer who did the remodel of Lily and Dante's suite. Friendly acquaintance of Lily's from younger days in the Pack. A few years older than Lily, taller slender brunette and very friendly and outgoing. Asked to start to be closer to Lily and become friends.

Pack Archivist Nick Smith - Senior wolf roughly 100 years old. Gave Dante lessons on Lycans, Pack law and culture and history, and lycan law and history

Elder Bruce - Gave Dante lessons on Lycans, Pack law and culture and history, and Lycan law and history

Elder Maeve - Gave Dante lessons on Lycans, Pack law and culture and history, and Lycan law and history

Head of Kitchen Abigail - Sweet yet strict, runs a tight ship in the kitchen and is an incredible cook. Age is around 70.

Head of Security and Training Top Beta Ben - Level 5 Beta, mated to Level 4 Beta Sara, both enforcers and Pack security

Beta Sara - Mated to Ben and Level 4 Beta and Pack enforcer and security

Pack Finance Head David - Level 4 Beta, handles investments and money of Pack and Pack members

Head of House Mary - Manages and cares for Manor House and maintenance, cleaning, ordering supplies etc. Works closely with Abigail Head of Kitchen. Senior Wolf

Head Doctor Marc - Mated to Head of Nursing Maria, runs and leads clinic and anything health related with his mate Maria. Senior Wolf.

Head Nurse Maria - Marc's mate and helps run the clinic and anything health related. Senior Wolf.

Head of Procurement Saul - Senior Wolf who does all of the ordering for anything the Manor House or Pack needs, helps out with ordering for businesses in Pack but doesn't lead it, that is up to each individual family and business

Lisa - Madame Alpha Victoria's Assistant. Helps in all matters of duties with Madame Alpha and running the Pack and Manor House. Scheduling, meetings, Pack issues etc. Mid-level wolf in Pack

Robert - Architect in the Pack, mid level wolf and appears in his 50's though true age not mentioned yet. Graying light brown or dark blonde hair, slender and a bit taller.

Residents (human) of Whitefish, MT:

Elizabeth 'Beth' Porter - Waitress at Loula's Cafe and Lily's friendly acquaintance from growing up in Whitefish.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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