Kuroi Hitsuji MV Analysis Part 1

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A/N: These are just some of mine and Ruka's personal takeaways from the Kuroi Hitsuji

music video. I know a lot of the members have clarified their roles in the MV, but this was written before any of the members said anything, so please take that into consideration when reading this and the next chapter (when we probably will write it) lol.


Hirate Yurina and the red spider lily

Throughout the music video, Yurina is holding red spider lilies. This flower holds many meanings, most prominently, the themes of death and the afterlife. The red spider lily represents abandonment and loss, and being unable to meet someone again. It is said to be the flower that grows near the Sanzu river in the Underworld and can bring back pleasant memories. In the Japanese language of flowers (hanakotoba), it also represents "giving up" or "independence", and red flowers (which are seen in the music video), represent "passion".

We see the events of the music video play out from Yurina's perspective (or more accurately, we see them unfold around Yurina). Although Yurina tries to connect with the other members and comfort them in their suffering, the choreography shows she is still being pushed away by them and by society. She is an "outcast among outcasts"; the only one who is truly alone.

There is also the implication that someone has died and that person is connected to Yurina. This could be interpreted several ways; whether it was someone close to Yurina, like a friend or a sibling, or if it was Yurina herself (or a part of her). There is a family with a little girl that appears later on, which could be Yurina's family, and the girl could either be a younger sibling, or a younger Yurina.

Suzumoto Miyu and the Hikikomori lifestyle

In this shot, Miyu is seen in front of a TV, with mess around her. In Japanese society, people who are hikikomori shut themselves in their houses for months on end. This shows a growing problem in Japanese society, and it has not only economic circumstances on the society in general, but a psychological problem on the hikikomori themselves.

Maybe due to a cluster of reasons, Miyu decides to shut herself away from the world, not wanting to seek help or even go outside at all. It gets to the point where people around her have started to give up on her.

Oda Nana, Moriya Akane, Nagahama Neru & Ishimori Nijika - Work related struggles

I group these four together because although there's three (maybe four?) different situations happening, it seems that all four situations could stem from a workplace environment.

With Oda, I kinda think it links in with Nijika's situation in the fact that they are slowly succumbing to pressures within the workplace, but the two of them deal with it in two completely different ways. While Oda is panicking not knowing to do; Nijika is there just silent at her desk, just being forced to work more.

Due to the Japanese work culture, Nijika's part especially could reference 'karoshi' or when translated, 'death by overworking'. The dimly lit lamp and the people beside her desk could mean that she's being 'asked' to work overtime; her distressed face also could mean that this may not be an isolated incident. She doesn't want to upset anyone so she just continues working as if it's her own decision to work. She wants to be free from this endless cycle of torture, per say, but can't due to not wanting to anger anybody and get fired of her job.

Akane, as with Oda, is seen getting yelled at someone. Though unlike Oda, Akane just stands there, a visible upset look on her face. It seems as though she's more used to the constant aggressive behaviour her coworkers seem to exhibit, or maybe she's been subjected to some emotional abuse by her coworkers, not being able to do anything in retaliation because of her status at the company. Maybe the people around her are higher up in the company hierarchy than she is, much like Nijika, she doesn't want to get herself fired, so she forces herself to live with this. However, later on, there is a scene in which you can see both Nijika and Risa seemingly trying to comfort her for something, whether it links in with this scene or not, is up for question.

Neru, is seen walking down a flight of stairs reading a letter, immediately giving a dissatisfied look. This can be taken to interpretation, however, it does seem as though she was rejected in gaining a job of some description. However, the line of people to the left of her could also be an indication of this.

Kobayashi Yui - Bullying

Yui is seen being bullied by two girls, left cornered and cowering near a set of lockers. This could lead into her possible submission to the bullies, letting take over her school life. It gets to the point where she just has to vent her feelings, crying at her desk when Yurina comes to save her from the bullies.

She initially rejects her help, pushing her away, however she realises how Yurina saved her from her ultimate demise, hugging her straight afterward.

Sugai Yuuka - Loss of family members

This one is fairly straightforward to explain. It's clear that Yuuka's relative is dying and that she is mourning over it. What makes it evident that the relative has died is that the doctor is bowing apologetically next to the bed. Yuuka herself has also clarified this on her mobame, saying specifically that her character's father was the one who had died.

Slowly her character's emotions could spiral out of control, causing her to feel guilt not being there for her father when he needed it the most. It affects her personality and livelihood in such a negative way. When Yurina approaches her, however, she starts becoming defensive and pushes her away, as if trying to build a wall to mask her true emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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