Barrack - Ravenous

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TW: Slight gore, dark topics

It was four months since May and Peter Parker's disappearance. Fire was set ablaze to the media, thousands of theory on where the Parkers could be. Some speculated that the two were dead but Ned didn't want to believe in that. He wanted to believe that Peter and his aunt were alive somewhere. He wanted to believe that his best friend's family was safe.

He knew that Tony was currently searching the entire world for him. He knew that there was a chance that Peter was still alive. He knew that it was only a matter of time before something would be found. He knew that they all had hope.

But that hope was now running out.

It was a summer vacation. MJ was staying over at Ned's house for a couple of weeks, trying to pull each other together. Both of them missed Peter dearly. Ned didn't know how he was coping himself but he just knew that Peter would have to make it back. He couldn't last without his best friend. Queens couldn't last without its wall-crawling vigilante.

Right now, the two was sitting on Ned's bed. His parents were out for a trip and the two were at the house all alone. Ned was on his computer, doing some programs while MJ was browsing her phone.

That's when the doorbell rang.

Ned gave MJ a slight look. The girl only shrugged in reply. "Coming!" Ned said as he got up from his bed and placed his computer aside. Ned walked down the stairs and peeked through the curtains.

On the porch was a single box the size of a thick book. A piece of paper was attached to the top of the box, the corners held down by tape. The boy hesitated before opening the door. He took the box and brought it inside, looking around to see if anyone else was there.

The box was a plain pale cardboard box. The note on the box was hand written but unfamiliar to Ned. In large print, it read: "To MJ and Ned"

The boy froze. Immediately, three things ran to his head. Whoever sent the box knows their name. Second, the person who sent the box also knows MJ's nickname. Only a few people knew that and the third thing was that the box didn't have a return address or other name.

Slowly, Ned carried the box up to his room and opened the door. "MJ," He started, walking up to his bed and placing the box in front of her. "This was on the front steps." He said. MJ looked up at the box and her eyes widened. "How the-"

"I know, I'm asking that too." Ned sat down and looked at the box. "I shook it a bit earlier and couldn't hear anything." He said. MJ nodded before reaching over to Ned's desk and pulling out a scissor.

"Woah! What are you doing?" Ned asked. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm opening the box to see what's inside." MJ told him. "Who knows what's in there? It could be anything! Like a bomb!" Ned replied. MJ rolled her eyes. "I really doubt that." She retorted.

"Still, I'm wary." Ned frowned. "Maybe we should call Tony and tell him about it first?" He suggested. MJ held the scissor tighter in her hand. "This could be our step closer to finding-" She froze but Ned already knew what she was going to say. This could be our step closer to finding Peter.

"That's even more of a reason to call Tony!"

"Let's open it first then decide whether or not to call him!"

Ned sat back but finally agreed. "Alright, let's open it." MJ nodded before slicing the tape with the scissors. She opened it up and inside was two thickly packed envelopes, full of what Ned assumed as paper.

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