Breakfast and 'new friends'

Start from the beginning

"Hey pussy we see you... Watching you struggle was hilarious man..." He spoke. I scanned the area before resting my elbow on the table.

"John what the fuck... Why the hell would you say shit like that..." I trailed off, and looked around again.

"I know John's fucking terrifying anyway we're at the table a couple away... mind if we join you?" Jaren said. I looked and spotted the two dipshits.

"Yo Evan... John and Jaren wanna join.. can they?" I ask, tilting my head to look at him. He nodded and I told them they could come over.

"Yo wassup bitches?" John said, pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. Jaren did the same.

"John... What the fuck was that earlier? And whatching my struggle isn't funny!" I scolded, shaking my head. He laughed and so did Jaren.

"I don't know (M/n)... It kinda is!" Luke said causing me to glare at him sharply. He raised his hands in defense. The waitress came along and asked for our orders.

Everyone looked at me to order first. I froze and then quickly stuttered my order. "Oh! Uh- I'll have the um... Strawberry French toast please. Everyone ordered. Jaren was the last one.

"I'll have the kids chocolate chip fix please. (basically it's just chocolate chip pancakes)" He hesitated. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Jaren you're such a child!" I laughed, as well as some others. "Need a high chair to man?" I joked, Jaren laughing as well. Evan wasn't too pleased. He looked at Del and nodded. Del kick my ankle. It hurt so much that I slammed my knee into the underside of the table, almost knocking it over. I hissed in pain wrapping my arms around my leg in a cuddling position.

"Evan! He wasn't making fun of me! That's just what we do!" Jaren spoke out, looking at me worryingly.

"It's fine..." I held up my hand, signaling that I was fine while murmuring curses under my breath. I sat up straight and propped my leg up on Luke. He sighed and looked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same. Ryan hit Luke playfully, telling him to stop.

Everyone tried carrying on with the conversation. The waitress came back. "I'm sorry! I forgot to ask about your drinks... My apologies!" She said, looking as gentle as possible.

"It's fine! We completely forgot about them too." Brock reassured. Most of the group ordered coffee while others ordered tea.

"We'll have some fruit punch..." Jaren, John, and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. The waitress we now know as Alyssa laughed as well. She nodded and went to go get them. She brought back a trey and passed down everyone's drink.

"Your food will be out shortly!" She beamed, walking away.

"You guys are the same person I swear!" Craig laughed as well as the others. The food came out and we all started eating, some faster than others. It had only been like two minutes and Tyler and I were done.

"Jesus you guys ate quick... Holy fuck..." Brian said, astonished at our abilities.

"See (n/n)... That's why you have to eat in the morning..." Ryan trailed off, pointing his fork at me before he continued eating his waffles.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Mom me all you want... It's not gonna change anything..." I sighed, leaning back and taking a sip of my fruit punch.

"This is why I always said I'm going to outlive you Firehouse... I may act and do stupid shit... But I take care of myself..." Tyler stated, sighing to himself.

"On a lighter note, I heard that Rich is doing fine and he'll be able to return to school soon!" Craig said, changing the topic.

"Yeah, my captain said that he got the worst of it... Do you guys know what caused it? Apparently the police and the rest of the fire house couldn't tell..." I trailed off, knowing this was kind of a touchy subject.

"No idea to be honest... No one was in the basement but that's where it started... the only people that were allowed down there was Brian and I to get more beer..." Tyler said, looking me dead in the eye.

"I knew it... I have a strong feeling that Rich did something... After all apparently one of my coworkers brought him out from the stairs of the basement..." I muttered, looking down at my lap. I I kept my head down and glanced at Tyler. "The police asked me to help with the case... My captain told them I should help. He wanted me to find a motive." I stated, sitting up properly once more.

"I hope that you figure it out... From what I heard people are starting to think the Misfits did it..." John chimed in. I froze. No way they could have done it, are people crazy? They may have a rivalry but they would never intend to hurt anyone.

"If they think that then they're crazy..." Ryan mumbled. "I know for a fact they're never intended on almost killing people. It has to be Rich..." He looked at me. I nodded.

Another half hour passed of the guys just being idiots. They got their bills. They had asked for it to be separate. John and Jaren one one. Luke and Ryan on another. Bbs just chipped in for their big one and Brian and David insisted on paying for mine. By the time I realized, they had already given the money to Evan. I once again felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it. It was Del. I never had his number. I quickly opened my phone and responded.

Del: Hey.

Firehouse: How did you get my number Delirious?

Del: Well at some point i had grabbed your phone and put my number in and got yours. I want updates on the case... and your ankle.

Del: Sorry about that.

Fire house: It's fine...

Firehouse: And will do... I was gonna message Brian anyways...

I looked up and shut off my phone. I was kinda confused. Alyssa had come back and got the checks. She waved goodbye as we got up. We said our thank you's and started walking. I grabbed my crutches and waited for everyone to go ahead of me. Del stayed behind with me.

"Yknow I don't hate you right?" He said suddenly.

"I uh- What?" I stuttered, taken aback.

"I don't hate you... It's just an act and kind of a barrier... Evan has been a friend of mine since we were in diapers... When you came along I thought you were trying to steal him from me so I made sure to keep him away from you... I'm sorry..." He said, looking away from me.

"There's no need to be sorry... I understand. He just nodded and went to his car. I sighed and went to Luke's car. I got in the back seat and we headed to the park.

Luke has parked and basically sprinted to the swings. I tried my hardest to get there quick. I got on the swing next to him. We spent most of the day at the park afterwards. I occasionally messaged the few members of bbs asking about what they're doing. I got a message from Toby.

Tobster: Yo dude If we don't have school tomorrow you wanna hang at my place? With some edibles?

Firey boy: Yeah sure as long as i don't have to bring much over.

Tobster: Oh we still have quite a lot from like a week ago you're fine.

Firey boy: if one of you can pick me up we're golden.

Tobster: You got it!

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