Chapter 1 ~Transfer Student~ (1)

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(N/N) = Nickname
(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name
St. Marie Acadamy is a culinary school for sweets. There are other branches of it in other countries but the main campus is in Paris. It and it's branches was created by Marie Lucas in order to raise patissier's and patissiere's and now all of them are run by Henri Lucas, a highly skilled patissier. (Y/N) (L/N) a talented student also known as the sweets princess was in the A-Group with the three sweets princes Kashino Makoto, Hanabusa Satsuki and Andou Sennosuke.

"Hey (Y/N), did you know that you'll finally get a roommate? Her name is Amano Ichigo, the genius patisserie Henri recommended her. Amazing right?" informed Rumi with an amazed expression

(Y/N) tilted her head "Roommate...?" She thought a bit and replied with a hint of panic in her voice "Ah! I totally forgot! Thank you so much Ru-Chan! You are a lifesaver!"

Rumi chuckled happily "I know~ let's go I think the transfer student is already here." She grabbed (Y/N)s hand and rushed outside. The two stood behind the statue of the queen of the sweet spirits.

Amano read loudly "Um this is the queen of the sweets spirits...." "What's Sweets Spirit?" questioned Amano with a confused expression on her face. "They are the cute spirits of this school!" replied (Y/N) with a cheerfully face. Amano's eyes widen and she shuddered "I-It talked!" Rumi went in front of the statue with (Y/N) following her quietly. "How can be that possible?" Rumi looked at the statue and added "People who sees the sweets spirit will have their dreams come true!" (Y/N) commented "But that's only a legend~ but I hope that it is true!"

"That's interesting" said Amano in a curious tone. She clapped her hands and looked at the statue "Sweet Spirits-sama, I hope that i can become an outstanding pâtissiere. I hope that I can meet Henri-sensei earlier! Amitabha" (Y/N) laughed lightly while Rumi sighed loudly "A-Amano-san, the statue isn't use for praying." stated Rumi nervously.

Amano looked at Rumi with a confused expression and asked "Huh? How do you know my name?" (Y/N) exclaimed " You are Amano Ichigo, the new transfer student right? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! I'm your roommate so I came to fetch you." (Y/N) pointed at Rumi and said in a calm tone "She's Katou Rumi, one of my best friends!" Rumi nodded happily and took her hand out. "Nice to meet you" Amano shook her hand quickly and said with a smile "Pleased to meet you too! You two can just call me Ichigo!"

" Come on Ichigo-chan. First I'll lead you to your dorm!" (Y/N) took Amano's hand and started to walk to their dorms, while Rumi followed them.

"This is our dorm and this is our room Ichi-chan!" explained (Y/N) cheerfully

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"This is our dorm and this is our room Ichi-chan!" explained (Y/N) cheerfully.

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