Old Times Sake Part 2

Start from the beginning


When we reached the old oak tree, we realized that we didn't have any supplies to write with. Since Jane's house was the closest from here, she went to get the paper, pencils, quills and ink while the rest of us stayed behind. While Jane was gone, Ruby, Diana and I started recalling our memories from the Story club and the gossip we used to do in here. Those were good old times that we will never be able to relive. I can feel the presence of sadness that we have, we all wish we were back in our carefree childhood, but this will be a close second to reliving the memories we have.

When Jane got back, we started to write our stories based on our thoughts. Mine was about a knight in shining armour, who happened to have hazel eyes and curly black hair. WHY did that remind me of someone? Ugh, I'll just ignore it, I am sure it doesn't seem like anyone I know. We all came up with an idea also: we will have a competition for the next two days to see who writes the best story and whoever wins will get to be surprised by the other girls. We all agreed to this plan so we shook hands, and we parted ways as it was getting late. I said goodbye to my dear friends and started to walk off...

While I was walking back, I was thinking about the day and the events which took place. Oh how much fun I had today, it is the happiest I have felt in a long time. I missed those girls dearly, and I had hoped to see them so soon. I got what I wanted. Not wanting to be late for supper, I sprinted back to Green Gables as quickly as I could.

Diana's POV

As I was walking home, I was thinking about today's events. Oh how I missed those girls dearly, I have been waiting so long to see them as they all went to Queens. I, unfortunately, wasn't allowed to go as my parents wanted to teach me the proper lady ways since they didn't want to send me to finishing school as it was too far away. So I stayed home, and learnt proper attire. There was no scope for imagination there, just doing work work work. Oh how badly I wanted to take a break and go outside and explore, however that was not to happen as I still needed to learn. I had to beg my mother today to let me have a break and thankfully, she did. I was truly about to tell the girls, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't know why. 

Life has been awful in my lonely house. Along with all the training, my mother tried to get me to court someone rich and handsome and when I showed little interest after a while, she gave up. I had no intention of courting just now. First of all, I want to marry someone I know and love with all my heart and secondly, I think I should still have the chance to enjoy my time as a girl. After all, I am still sixteen going on to seventeen. I feel like I am still too young to court. Although I think I am too young, I would like to court someone. Just to think someone would be so devoted to me and love me, that gives me such a thrill. And to think I would love them back. Love is a pesky business, but it is ever so mysterious as well. I hope someday I will be able to find my true love. However, if I can't find my true love, I would like to help my friend. Which is why I hope mine, Ruby and Janes' plan works. We need it to work.

With those thoughts in mind, I made my way through the open gates of my household, through the open doors and then shut them quietly behind me.

Ruby's POV 

I was walking home and thinking about today's events. What mostly came to mind was the fact that I felt like a little girl again, and it felt good. How dearly I wanted to be free and I was. After all those studies and hard work at Queens, I needed sometime to myself, and this was the perfect way. It felt so good, and I wish I could feel like that all the time. But as everyone knows, all good things must come to an end, and this has also come to an end, for now. 

However, some good things should be able to happen, and I wish for it to happen. Which is why I hope mine, Diana and Janes' plan works. It needs to work. So that we can make a good thing happen.

With that in mind, my household came into sight and started running towards it.

Jane's POV

I was walking home and thinking about today's events. I was thinking about how we were all acting like little children again. How carefree we were. I missed those girls dearly so and especially Diana, since she didn't come to Queens with us. There was one point in time where Diana and I were very close to each other but I started to play with Ruby and Diana started to read a lot more, until Anne came. At first I hated Anne because I felt like she was stealing Diana away from me but then I realised I had Ruby, and Anne was a wonderful person to be with, and I don't regret my decision till this day of becoming friends with you. Which is why I need to try and make Anne happy and have her destiny come true. This is why I hope mine, Diana and Rubys' plan works. It needs to work, so that Anne can be happy.

With that in mind, my big household came in sight and I started to creep towards it, to make sure not to disturb anyone inside.


Hey guys <3 the usual thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment thank you for reading <3.

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