Chapter 1(The Day He Got Betrayed)

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Created: Saturday, March 30

It has been a week since the day Seirin's Basketball team defeated Rakuzan's Basketball team. In this chapter, unfortunate events would take place for a certain blue headed phantom. Let's see what type of event would uphold for the poor boy.(In this chapter it is a Monday, but there is no school this day so bare with me)

Kuroko Tetsuya's POV
Another day of practice today.I thought while sighing quietly. Right now, I'm heading towards the gym. Since it's a Monday, Coach Riko told us that practice would not start at 6:00 A.M.(the time we usually have practice on Mondays), but practice would start at 5:00 A.M. instead. So today, I woke up at 4:15 A.M., showered,dressed, ate breakfast, etc. After doing my morning routine,I headed out the door by 4:30 A.M., and dropped Nigou to Kise-kun's house since he begged me to let Nigou go to his house and stay the night. I don't need to rush because it only takes 10 minutes to get to my school.

*TimeSkip* Brought to you by a lazy author

I arrived at the gym by 4:40.I walked towards the gym entranced ,and I was about to open it until I heard the rest of my teammates talking about someone.To be more specific, they were talking about me. I opened the entrance doors quietly and made my way inside the gym.When I walked in, I looked towards the middle of the gym.My teammates were sitting in a circle where the half court line is.They seemed to be arguing with Coach Riko.I just stayed near the entrance, hearing closely to what they were discussing.Suddenly, Kagami-kun says in his loud obnoxious voice,"We should kick Kuroko out of the team coach!Stop trying to defend him when you know no one except Hyūga Senpai and you wants him on the team!He already made us win in the nationals, so there is no use for him to be on the team anymore!He's just a nuisance to the team, and he'll drag us down in our future games!" I was shocked to hear Kagami-kun,my light,the person who I considered a friend,tell Coach I was just a nuisance, and I had no use to the team anymore. I wanted to just walk out of the gym and go back home, but my mind and body had the urge to stay and listen to the rest of their conversation. When Kagami was finished, everyone(besides Hyūga Senpai and Coach)nodded at his statement,agreeing I was no longer useful. "What is wrong with you people?!Have you guys lost your minds!?How could you say that about Kuroko?He's our friend right?Kagami,he's your friend, your shadow for goodness sake!How could you say that!?After everything that he has sacrificed for our team,you just want to talk about him behind his back, and talk to me about kicking him out because of your selfish needs!Just because you guys think he doesn't have any use for our team, doesn't mean you guys should just get rid of him like he's just a toy to you that has gotten old!" Coach says furiously, trying to make them change their minds, and make them think over their actions. "Coach,it's either him or the team!Choose over him or us!We already know your decision because you would always choose the team before anything else!So, you either kick him out, or lose the team!What would it be coach?" Koganei states, knowing the outcome of her answer. When I looked at Coach Riko, I noticed that she had a very weary look and is sweating drastically.I knew the outcome too well and left the scene without anyone noticing at all.When I got back home, my face felt hot and my eyes were blurry.I then noticed that I was crying. My brain finally took in the information that I had heard in the gym, and my heart clenched at the thought of my teammates saying I was no longer needed in the team.I went towards my living room and plopped myself on the coach, wiping some of my tears rolling down towards my chin in the process. After a few minutes, I felt nothing, no sadness, no pain, no nothing.But what I did feel, was revenge and anger. I felt a side of me,that I thought locked far away from me,awaken and re-enter my mind and body. I'm back to the old me...I thought, a smirk slowly forming on my face while doing so. I'll show them who is weak.They will get their revenge and get a taste of my wrath! I continued, thinking if I should tell them that I'm back to the old me. Deciding whether or not I'd tell them about me, I headed up to my room upstairs, finally getting my decision of telling them tomorrow. I can finally express myself to him.We can finally act like couples again.I hated how we had to act like we weren't close anymore and how we could only text each other sweet nothings to each other...
After thinking about that, I smiled and slowly drifted to sleep.

Hi there,Author here!So, this is my first ever book I've written on here before.I deeply apologize if I have any grammatical errors or mistakes in any of the chapters I would be writing in the future and in this chapter too.I'll have you know that I am only human, so of course I'll have some mistakes.Heck, I'm only an 11 year old Middle School girl.(Sorry Wattpad, I lied about my age😅)Please be patient if I haven't posted in a week or more.School usually takes up all my time during the day and night, for I'm in many clubs, and I have practice early in the morning or after school for the sports that I join during a certain quarter, and don't get me started on homework and projects smh.🤦🏻‍♀️I will try to update as much as I can, and I will try not to leave you guys hanging for more than a week)

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