"I pulled steaks out of the freezer," she says. "They're on the grill out back."

"Open some wine," Riley says. "I'll be right back." He holds up his phone with the flashlight app glowing and heads to the office.

Though he'd put a moratorium on credit card use, Riley uses his American Express to get the power back on. But it will take a few hours.

Arlene puts together a simple and delicious meal. They take advantage of the warm night and enjoy a candlelit dinner on the patio near the pool.

"It's very thoughtful of you to cook, Arlene," Paige says. "Thank you."

"I like to help out here and there." Missy has big news.

"I made the swim team."

"That's so cool," Riley says. It also impresses Paige and Arlene.

"And I even beat Jona in a race," Missy is proud to say. The hairs go up on Riley's neck.

"Jerry's son, Jona?" Missy picks up on Riley's apprehension.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, sweetie," Paige assures her. That's the first time Paige calls her by anything other than her name.

The power is still out when Paige and Riley argue in their bedroom.

"It is unacceptable that our power and security bills lapsed," Paige complains. "What are we paying Andy for?"

"We're not," Riley informs her. He's hit a nerve and tries to explain. "He said we had to stop spending so much, so I fired him."

"Without talking to me?" Paige is fuming.

'I'm doing the best I can. There are a million bills to juggle, and then that woman from family services shows up. I'm freaking out here." Paige doesn't let him off the hook.

"There are many other bills I could have suggested we let slide if you'd bother including me." Riley wants to know what happened to them being the couple that doesn't fight over money. Paige lets him know that it's not about money.

"You go off on your own at work, and you're doing it here," she says. "It's like I'm a guest in your life."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want to not need to tell you what to do."

"How am I supposed to know what you want me to do if you won't tell me?"

"You used to just do it. And now we have no power." Pent-up frustrations send them off the rail, firing back and forth.

"If we had just taken Web's offer we could have avoided this whole thing with Missy. But you wanted to do a show with 'real' writing."

"All I wanted was to hold our heads up in public. Not this crazy plan of yours."

"My crazy plan worked, by the way. We got the job. We don't need to keep up the charade. Missy can go."

"We can't just send her packing. She's a great kid."

"Who is extorting us. You suddenly want to play mommy?"

"Second chances can turn a person around, Riley. We can do something good for her. And for us."

The lights come on. Riley and Paige simultaneously reach for the door handle. On the other side of the door, Arlene and Missy have been listening in on their argument. They both run away.

"Need some air," Riley says.

"Going to check on Missy," Paige says and follows Riley into the hall, stopping at Missy's bedroom while Riley marches onward. "We're not finished here," she calls to him.

Missy races to get under the covers before Paige knocks and opens her door.

"You asleep?"

"Not yet," Missy says. Paige sits on the edge of the bed.

"That's very exciting about your swimming. I'll bet you're going to win all kinds of medals." Missy doesn't smile.

"Are you and Riley getting a divorce?" She asks. "The kids at school say that when their parents yell at each other they get a divorce."

Paige tells her it's just part of their work. Missy thinks it doesn't sound like a fun job.

"That's because we care so much," Paige explains. "There is a lot at stake. It's a very expensive show we're responsible for."

"So you're fighting about money?" Out of the mouths of babes.

Riley pulls a beer from the refrigerator. He gets the door almost closed when he glances out the window and sees Arlene lounging in the pool—a water siren. Riley soaks her in for a moment before grabbing a second beer.

Paige fumes in bed. The bedroom door opens. Riley ducks his head in and holds up two cold beers as a peace offering.

"I'm sorry," he says and climbs into bed.

"Thank you," Paige says with little emotion.

"I think we've let too many outsiders into our life," Riley says. "We're better when it's you and me. Only you and me." That melts her cold, cold heart.

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