
444 37 52

I was lonely, I was shy,
I was clumsy, the nature of my.
The place was new and new were the guys,
Convincing myself that this is a lie.

The days went by, the ice slowly broke,
Started with sharing thoughts ended with cracking jokes.
Once a silent boy, started to laugh and mock,
Like the lost ship finally found its dock.

I remember a crowded hallway and a lonely guy,
Standing at the entrance cold and dry.
By the end of this long journey of my,
I see myself giving many, a high-five.

You've made my life an endless dream,
There are times when I wake up with a scream.
The dry bread is me and you are the cream,
Without you I'm an annoying meme.

Days will pass and years will fly,
Telling the kids a chronicle of my.
Eyes will be numb and my heart's gonna cry,
Remembering the time spent with thy.

The day is yours and the chance is mine,
To thank Almighty for the gift divine.
We will be friends, I cross my heart,
Forever and ever until death tears us apart.

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