Chapter 22

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"You know that she can't say yes, right?" I say to him, still a bit amazed of the news. "Why not?" "Saphira! She wants to tell her all about it and she can't do that as long as she is in a coma. Feline wants her frind to help her and be there with her!" Dean's face turns sad, "I was hoping she'd say yes.." "Maybe later mate." I say patting him on the back. He smiles weakly, "Later.."

"So how is she?" I ask when we are back in Saphira's room. "She's the same. I really wish she woke up sometime.." Says Feline with a sigh. "I know, it's so different." I say slowly, "You kidding me? Different? Of course it' different she's in a coma!" "Feline calm down." Says Dean slowly, he grab her hand. "It's gonna be okay love. Really." He whispers to her. She sobs softly as Dean hugs her. "I'm going to bring he over to my place so she can rest.." Says Dean, as he leads Feline out of the door.

He's never been this caring to anyone. Not even to me, I smile at Saphira. She's so beautiful. I kiss her slowly on the lips. And then I start telling her everything. My past, and the present. And everything about my family. How much fans would do to get this information. I smile weakly after my story. "Oh Saphira. Wake up please. I can't live without you." I lay down my head on her bed and start sobbing. Then I hear her breathing, I look up and her eyes flutter open. "Aidan?"



Sequel will follow people

still have to come up with a name. Please tell me what your thoughts were on this story and if you liked it! I want to thank everyone of you for reading. You helped me continue this whn I didn't want to! THANK YOU!



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