"Someone." he muttered, and, even in the darkness of the night, I could see that his cheeks were tinged with scarlet.

It clicked that it was for me, and smiled. "You can tell me."

He turned his head away, and tycked the rose behidn his back. I frowned- I'd given him the percfect opening to give it to me.

Well, maybe he hadn't seen it. That was fine. I'd just give him some more openings- After all, wasn't it for me? Who else could it be for?

"Well, c'mon At least tell me what house the person's in..." I smiled, and tried to show him that I really wanted to know. (Harry is, ngl, everyone, when we want to get someone to spill some tea, and they're like, UMMMM)

"Gryffindor." it was scarcely a whisper, and I suddenly detected a heav ysadness and... self-hatred in his tone. Which was, of course, odd... But he had said Gryffindor. I was prepared to hear my name come out of his lips any second now.

Grinning broadly, I noticed how quickly the heartbreak from before melted away, leaving only ecstasy in its wake.

"Is it someone I know?" I quizzed, watching his reaction. I almost saw a hint of tears, which clued me into the sobs that had wracked his body before I had come.

I had a vivid imagination- All he'd been doing was picking a rose- For someone... Whom, I didn't know, but I intended to find out. So why would he be crying, much less sobbing?

"Intimately," he whispered, and I smiled, a little private smile. Well, of course, I knew myself intimately. He always did have a way with words.

"Draco... You didn't have to pick a rose for me. Really, you didn't. I forgive you. I understand that you first dated me for a game, and, yeah, I want to talk about that, but maybe we can make this work-" the words tumbled out quickly, and I watched his beautiful face. I expected to see a smile, or, at the very least, to see his eyes brighten.

Instead, the eyes welled up, and he bit his lip.

"Har- Potter..." he began, and I winced in surprise. This wasn't the way it was meant to go... I'd just professed how deeply I wanted to forgive him. So why was h suddenly calling me by my last name?

"Draco, you can call me Harry again. 'd like to give this thing- us- another shot." I smiled and took his hand in mine.

But, suddenly, as soon as our fingers came into contact with one another, he snatched his hand away.

"You don't get it, do you? The rose isn't for you." he murmured, and even though he could not have said it in a more straightforward way, I found that I didn't understand what he meant.

I laughed.

"Huh?" I joked. "You have a weird sense of humor, Dray."

"No, Harry." he grabbed my arm, urgently. "This rose is not for you. One hundred percent not."

"Who's it for, then?" I asked, my breath catching. My heart was breaking again. Why was I so dumb? Obviously it was not for me. He was done with me. I was his plaything.

He had my heart, but I didn't have his. Not even close. But I had a morbid want- a morbid need- to know who had replaced me. Who was he? Who was she? Yeah, who knew? It could be a she. He could have really betrayed me, in all means of the word.

"I don't think they would like me to tell you." he cast his eyes downwards, and, immediately, I felt a rush of anger. Yeah, I knew what he was trying to say. You don't deserve to know. I value your opinion less than I value the other person in my life. And they?They? He didn't trust me with that information?

Borrowed Time- A Drarry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now