Chap.1: First Impression #YumeZuku

Start from the beginning

Having a doubt in her mind whether to punch him or not 'oh crap I punched his beautiful face! But he's a villain so I guess it's okay' Lucky for her, he still didn't trapped her hands so she got the gut to punch him on the face with all she can gather for the mean time. "Hah! Take that!" she says as a small victory smile flash on her lips.

He got hit by her punch but that just cause him to chuckle and fix his head back again to normal and leans even closer and put both of his hands on the wall on her sides near her face "My my, honey that was unexpected!" he hisses as licks his lips

Yume's face slightly turns red, surprised on what he just did "W-what the hell do you think you're doing? Unhand me you dummy!" she then start squirming.

"Nah, I'm not done having fun with you yet" grabbing both of her wrist and pinned it with force against the wal over her head with his left hand and lift her chin up with his right hand, admiring the pretty view of her face.

Unsure of what's going on as she shouts "Danggit!" she's still squirming as she beg for him to let go of her. Izuku tries to hush her but she's stubborn. "Oh don't shush me, mister!" she says as she keep squirming.

"tch" Irritated, he covers her mouth with his right hand and says "I don't know why, it's strange but no other girl made me feel this desperate"

Confuse, she tilts her head and asks "hmm?" as she look at him, she cant stop but talk in her mind 'What the hell is this guy saying?'

That's when Izuku trying not to let it overcome on him and make him weak so he move his face closer on her right side under her right ear that's basically her neck and say "I'm attracted" whispers in venomous sound.

She start muffling since his hand is on her mouth and covering it "hmm??? mmmm mmm!!!" that means 'what??? Are you crazy or something!?' Start quirming again.

"Hmm? What was that again?" loosen his hand against her mouth while whispering on her neck giving her shivering cold electricity feels and accidentally brush his lips once against her soft skin on her neck

"S-stop it... please?..." is begging him to stop on what he's doing but deep inside, she's having a little something, speaks in her mind 'holy hell! He's ho- no stop it! He's a villain!' she keeps on snapping herself out of her fantasy by reminding herself that he's a law's enemy.

"Mmmm... No... I won't give you mercy even if you beg" He then smirks against her skin on her neck start kissing it.

Her face heat up as she start arguing on herself in her mind 'holy fudge! A hot villain is kissing my neck! Holy fudge! Is this a dream!?' she's practically eternally screaming at the moment but then she snapped again "S-stop!! Why are you doing this?!"

"Coz I likes you" whispered that sounds like he's just messing around then kisses her neck more as he gripped his hand on her wrists that he pinned over her head with just one hand.

"E-eh!? But we just met!???" Not really believing on anything he just said because seriously! Who would take that thing seriously when you just met that person! Not to mention, he's a villain so she thinks that it's all probably just a lie.

He moves his face away then face her and look at her like he's piercing her through her eyes "Don't you believe in 'love at first sight'? Oh wait, in my case that's like at first sight..." Smirks after finishing his statement and slides his free right hand from her cheek down to her sleeve, dragging it downward slowly.

"I don't b-believe in that kinda stuff! C-could you please stop seduci- I mean scaring me?" stuttering.

"Heh, nah" kisses her neck deeply, almost leaving hickeys there.

"H-hey! You're gonna leave a mark!!! S-stop it!" keeps on complaining with her face is as red as a tomato. "This is really an inappropriate thing to do to someone you just met!" struggling off of him.

"I'm a villain, honey" continue to suck on her neck, completely leaving a mark

"Still! This is wrong! And can you stop now?? This is getting uncomfortable as hell!" Squirms again, hoping that it'll make him stop.

"Shut up!" he groans and covers her mouth and pull down her sleeve even more.

Little did they know that polices are happen to be patrolling around the area and now was about to enter the alley

Izuku stops after hearing the polices clammoring about stuffs. "Oh shit, they've ruin the fun!" he mutters and groans.

"Phew! Thank God there's police officers around... you can let go of me now, mister!" Now feeling relieved because at least the uncomfortable tension between them has stopped.

Izuku just look at her and say "What a kill joy you are too..."

The first police spotted them specially Him "HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE!" then he start calling out other police attention as troops of police start gathering on the place, armed.

"Awe! You guys are no fun! I'm still having fun with this angel over here!" he then let go of her and face them while smirking

Other police commands "Enough with the chit-chat and hand us your hostage over!"

"I'm not dumb like you all!" He shouts as dark green electricity start surrounding his body means his quirk hab been activated. He look over his shoulder to glance at her. "heh" that's when he start kicking some police and sending em off and got thrown against the wall making the other police start firing at him but he's just dodging every bullets swiftly and quick like lightning and start knocking them off as he goes closer to the troops.

Yumerina just whispers as she watches them " off....hmm I guess this is my chance to escape!"

Meanwhile, Izuku already knocked down 3/4 of the police. Those remaining conscious police that are close to him are too scared to fight to him as if they're in danger if they ever did a mistake against him. He then start running on the wall towars her and steal a kiss on her cheek. As he's now getting away, the police start firing at him again. Izuku runs upward on the wall and stops on a rooftop, looking down at them "Untill next time, dumbasses!" he took a glance at her and says "And to you too, honey, we're not over yet!" he winks at her then goes back in his HQ for who knows where

What a jerk he is... Yumerina blushes and touches her cheek where he kissed her "D-did he just...kissed my cheek and winked at me!? That hot, flirty idiot! Now he's put marks on my neck! And I'm talking to myself! Screw this! I'm going home!" Walks towards her home forgetting her real goal on going out for the mean time.

Word count: 1895

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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