Chapter 4: The Innocence of Pranking

Start from the beginning

Sounded simple enough, right?


11:08 pm, Sunday night

Drake and I stood in front of a window towards the back of the school. We were going to go in through the front door, but anyone could have seen. So we moved to a back window that, we found, led right into a hallway next to the locker room. It was a tinted window, so no perverts could look through during the day, and it was large-- probably used as an emergency escape route. The window was pretty high up though-- high enough that Drake and I weren't going to be able to just jump through.

"You go first," Drake whispered as he gestured to his cupped hands. I nodded in understanding.

He got down on one knee and cupped his hands in front of his body. "Drake," I gasped. "Are you proposing to me?" Drake shook his head and muttered about how ridiculous women were. I giggled, and placed my foot inside his hands and carefully inched my way toward the window. It was far too dark out for anybody to see us, and we were almost invisible due to our black clothing.

"Almost done?" Drake whispered. I was working away with my lock-picking set but I knew I was taking a while. This was a pretty expensive lock to have on a window.

"Done!" I muttered quietly in a victorious tone. I pushed the window open and I carefully climbed over so I was sitting on the window ledge. Once I saw that the ground was clear, I pushed myself off the ledge and landed in a perfect crouch.

"Toss me something to stand on!" Drake said quietly. I looked around and found a standard classroom chair. I pushed it through the window and held on until Drake had grabbed it. He appeared a second later, and I moved out of the way so he could fall safely.

"Umph," He groaned as he landed in a sloppy crouch.

"This way!" I pointed to the other side of the locker room. I took a step in that direction, making sure that my steps were quick and quiet. "What's his locker combo?" I whispered when I reached Kyle's locker. Earlier that day, I had asked Drake if he could find a way to get Kyle's locker combination, and he mumbled that he already had it. Of course, I asked why, and he told me that on the first day of school he always snuck into the counselor's office and got a copy of all locker combinations, just in case. I had responded sarcastically with, "And that's definitively legal."

"11- 32- 49," Drake read out loud from the small slip of paper. After opening his locker, Drake proceeded to hand me the first bag of dirt, and I carefully poured it in. After finishing with the first few, I closed the door and continued dumping the rest in through the slots at the top of his locker. You're going to get what you deserve Kyle.

I moved to hand Drake the last empty bag, and our fingers brushed as he grabbed it. I wasn't expecting sparks, or tingles, or anything like that, I wasn't expecting anything, it was just a brush. But when our fingers touched, a feeling of wholeness washed over me. I know it sounded absolutely insane, but I felt as if touching him was the only right thing I had ever done.

I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts and turned to dust the excess dirt off of anywhere it had fallen. You're not ready to be having thoughts like that. After ensuring there was nothing left on the door, Drake grabbed the empty bags and moved back towards the window. I hung back, making sure that we hadn't dropped anything to give away our identity. That was when I got an idea.

I pulled my lipstick tube from my pocket (yes, I did bring it; you never know when you're going to need a re-coat), and slowly applied a fresh coat to my lips. I leaned over the bench toward Kyle's locker and carefully pressed my lips to it, leaving a bright red stain. Kyle would know it was me, but he wouldn't be able to prove it.

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