Fighting After Hours

Start from the beginning

"Lily..." She groaned. "Stand up for yourself."

"Thanks for the map. Have fun on your date." Lily grumbled quickly standing up and sticking the map into her robe and running out.

"God." Rose grumbled. But instead of running after Lily she focused back onto her trunk and what was inside. She pulled out a dress that looked like one bought in one of those teen muggle shops. It looked short and was dark blue with a heart neckline. This would be something Ron would never of allowed her to wear and one he wish he could tear out her hands right now before she dare put it on.

But, what could he do in this state. Not even in this time. So all he could do was watch her step into the bathroom wearing her robes and come out in the muggle dress. It went up to her mid-thigh and showed way too much.

She then took her wand out and began using spells to put makeup on her face and somehow she wanted to make herself prettier. If that was possible...

After a while she was already strutting away towards the door, and Ron followed. He followed her through the common room and through the corridors. Once he reached the seventh floor he was standing in front of where the room of requirement once was. She had her back against it and her arms crossed across her chest.

So a few minutes' later footsteps were heard from the far hallway and too soon a tall blonde boy came around the corner in a nice pair of muggle pants and a nice muggle jacket. Scorpius Malfoy.

"I thought you'd never show." Rose smirked pushing herself off the wall and strutted towards the boy.

"Well it did depend on whether or not I was able to sneak out or not."

"We are in the same house Scorp and I got out just fine." She then planted a kiss right on his cheek.

"Well you're Rose. You can get away with a lot of things. Even dating me without your parents finding out." Rose looked down at her feet. "I am sorry. I know your dad rarely talks to you and Hugo."

"No, it's fine." She looked back up smiling and a second later had her lips on his as if she was trying to swallow him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and back with his hands on the back of her head and neck.

She kept trying to pull him closer and Ron clenched and unclenched his fist.

He pushed her up against the wall and lifted her up. Rose pushed back a bit. "I think we should probably go outside now. To start the date."

He put her back down and just stared into her eyes for a minute. "That's a good idea. He planted a light kiss on her forehead.

They intertwined their hands together and swung them back and forth as they walk towards the stairs.

Before they even reached the stairs leading to the main entrance someone started pounding down towards the two. "Rose! Rose!" A bundle of Weasley hair and freckles ran closer and closer to the couple.

Hugo stopped in front of them barely trampling them over. "Can you be quiet?" Rose shushed him, "Someone will hear you!"

"I have permission to be out here right now! Do you?" Hugo cried and that's when everyone noticed his tear stained face and the parchment crumpled up in his hand.

"Not exactly... What's wrong?" Rose asked.

"Well I was up in my dormitory when Albus came in telling me that the headmaster was looking for me, so I went down to the corridor outside of the tower and Professor McGonagoll stood there with Winnie on her shoulder and a letter in her hand.

"She gave me the letter and it had yours and my name on it so I opened it and... it was from mum... and I-I-I can't... believe it! It is... here." He pushed the crumpled parchment to her and then crumbled to the floor.

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