"Uh... Sir... H-How do you know?" I asked, my throat was dry.

"Kid... I used to go to parties when I was young... and my son went to this party... Rich... Rich Vegaan," He paused and looked at me "Do you know him?" I did. He was the star of the football team before Tyler decided to try out for Varsity.

I nodded, and look at the man in front of me. "How is he...?" I asked hesitantly.

The man grimaced. "He's alive. From what I heard he got the worst of it..." I frowned and gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. I really didn't know what to do at the moment. He gave me a half-hearted smile. "Oh look the police. I have to go give a quick run down if what happened while they question the students..." He said jogging off to the cop cars.
I sighed and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt a brutal force tackle me. I looked down to see a familiar mop of brown hair. It was Ryan. He had tears flowing down his face. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back.

"Oh my god!" Ryan cried, sobbing into the crook of my neck. Luke stood above us, shaking his head.

"He has been like this since he saw David sprint over here without you." He smiled, crossing his arms. "And some of BBS has to hold him back from sprinting inside... You're real lucky man..." He muttered, sitting next to me with his arm around my shoulders. I laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"(m/n) Clouse?" An officer asked, his voice deep and quite scary. I looked up and the boys back up away from me a little bit. The officer squatted down to look at me at eye level. "Do you know anything about what happened?" He asked, his tone firm, but gentle.

I shook my head. "No sir, all I know is that this party was held for football and friends only. I had dropped off my little brother Charlie and left for work..." I trailed off, telling most of the truth.

"Is that all?" He asked curious. I nodded my head.

"Oh! And the fire started from the basement... I could tell because when i had gone in the door to the basement was open... It's normally off limits to Tyler's friends... I don't think he was down there either," He nodded and continued to write everything down "Ah... I don't know if my captain told you but his son was here... Rich Vegaan... I have a feeling he was closest to the fire when it started because I heard that he was the most injured..." I said, a grim expression on my face. The two older boys stared at him, with a confused and unnerved expressions as they shared a glance at each other.

The officer nodded and said he could go home. The officer had talked to Ryan and Luke and said something along the lines of them being outside most of the time. He dismissed us and said we could go home. Ryan and Luke ended up crashing at my place. We all just slept in my bed basically dog piled on top of each other. The next morning I got a call from two people. One was the principal and the other was... Evan...? The principal was just a message saying we had the day off due to last nights events.

"Hey (M/n) I was wondering if you, Luke, and Ryan wanted to meet a few of us for breakfast or something... I don't know... Brian and David really wanted to thank you so they told me to call... And I wanted to thank you, too. I just- I don't know just call me back." Evans voice woke up the two boys, Ryan and Luke's face flushing slightly.

"Mornin' brats..." I chuckled, playing with Ryan's hair. "You wanna go get breakfast with some of BBS?" I asked hesitantly.

"Don't we have school..?" Ryan asked, sitting up on my knees. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. I shook my head. "I'm down.. food sounds good right now..." He trailed off, flopping into the small space between me and the wall.

"I don't see why not..." Luke mumbled cuddling into the pillow that he stole from at some point last night. I was about to call Evan back when I got a call from the hospital.

"Oh shit Charlie-" I cut myself off and answers the phone. "Hello? Ah yes this is he? Oh okay that's good...Tomorrow at ten? Am? Um miss I might have school so I don't know if I'll be able to get them... If you could ask Erika's parents to drop him off at home that would be nice... Thank you... Goodbye!" I hung up.

Ryan had looked at me. "Is Charlzie okay?" Luke turned to me as well.

"Yeah he's fine... they just wanted to keep him another night to see if anything were to surface..." I muttered. "Anyway I have to call Evan back.

I got up and limped into the bathroom and laid in the empty bathtub. I called Evan back.

"Hey Fong..." I groggily said when he answered.

"Hey (m/n) You and the parents up for breakfast." He asked, a light chuckle was shared between us.

"Yeah what time and where?" I asked, sinking into the tub with my knees completely bent and my injured foot up against the wall.

"Uh Huddlehouse by foodland in~," He drawled out as if checking the time "Thrity minutes?" He asked. I agreed and hung up.

Nothing Ever Changes (bbs/misfits x male! reader)Where stories live. Discover now