chapter four

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waking up to the sunlight always feels refreshing, until i felt a weight on me. i started freaking out until i remember that ethan came in last night wanting to lay with me. i looked over at him and he looked so peaceful. so.. okay with everything. happy. i didn't want to wake him up.

i grabbed his arm lightly and lifted it allowing me to slip away, adding a pillow to take place in my spot. he squeezed the pillow and cuddled his head into it. too cute. i walked out of the room closing the door alightly, smelling pancakes. those sounds so good right now. i walked into the kitchen in which grayson was making breakfast in. nice to know he knows where all of my groceries are. i rolled my eyes when he turned around.

"nice stomach. where's your shirt?"

"in the guest room. where's e?" he asked, along with a wink at the end.

blushing i said "i woke up to him being in my bed. when did he get there?"

"he couldn't sleep and around 5 he went there. you were out. like someone knocked you out cold, dude." he said laughing. "we yelled and shook you. nope. not a sound came from you!" he just kept laughing and the pancake he was making started burning.

"of course gray, you're the one cooking." we heard a grumble behind me. ethan stood there shirtless as well, rubbing his eyes while looking in the fridge for something. "maja would've probably done a better job." he said winking at me. once again being the reason i blush. "do you have orange juice?"

"yeah in the back." i said going under his arm, between him and the fridge to get it. when i turned around he was really close. a little too close. "uh here you go." i said going under his arm again to get out of the small space. if you didn't know, i'm claustrophobic. yeah that's right, i can't do small, tight spaces. i set the OJ down and went to the sink turning cold water on and splashed my face.

"are you claustrophobic?" gray asked.

"y-yeah. it's a great thing to have." i said sarcastically while trying to calm down.

"i'm sorry!" e said with a worried expression on his face. oh no.

"no no. it's okay. really, i'm fine."

he sighed and came over, hugging me. i hugged back. i pulled away, well i tried to pull away. gosh this boy. soon enough i was picked up and thrown over a shoulder. i looked up and saw gray with his mouth open. little do they- nope ethan knows i have a pool. shoot.

instead of throwing me in, he jumped in. i don't have a bra on! i surfaced and looked down, just to see that my shirt was up and breasts were on display for the whole neighborhood. great... i noticed ethan staring and i started blushing, pulling my shirt down as well.

"i will be back..." i said walking out of the pool. phew. I didn't dare turn around, my face was so red from embarrassment. I can't believe my shirt lifted!

"Hey- why are you all wet?" Gray asked.

"Huh, funny story actually. E jumped in the pool with me hanging off of him." I said nervously as Grayson laughed his ass off. Thanks for the support, bud.

I heard footsteps coming and when ethan appeared in the door way gray started laughing again. "Um gray we gotta go. I need to go change." Was all he said. Not even looking at me. Wow, okay then. You can stare at my chest when my shirt is up but not me when we-

"Okay. There's pancakes on the counter for you. See ya later maja."


They left, not a single bye from ethan.  I went to take a shower and afterwards I cleaned up the guest room, then mine, finally getting to the pancakes. Which, to my surprise, were amazing. I wish I had grays number to tell him how good they are. I heard my phone go off, indicating I have a message.

Dear lavielle,

We have another spot for you to move. He's still searching for you, and knowing you if he did find you, one of you would be dead or both. We don't want that. We know where he's at and we are trying to capture him but he's too quick.

You have a new house and food and furniture set up already. Click the link for the address.

Sincerely, jack.


Another email?

Hey it's jack. I couldn't put it in the other email. But I'm sorry you have to relocate again. I know how much you like the ocean. But I promise. This is for the better. Bye for now.

I just made two new friends. I haven't even been here a year and I love it. I've gotta tell Ethan and Grayson. I will tonight.

——that night at the beach——

As i was walking to the rock i kept thinking about how I was going to tell ethan. I wasn't worried about gray. We just met. Well same with E but still. I have this weird, but good feeling about Ethan.

I heard talking up ahead and saw ethan on the phone. Sitting at the rock. He looked so sad, distraught. I walked up to him as he hung up the phone, looking into the ocean, not even acknowledging me. I cleared my throat to let him know I was there.

"I know. But I can't be bothered. Not right now." He looked down.

"Okay..." i turned around. And before walking away I said "I'm moving. Don't come looking for me." My heart hurt so much just saying that to him. I turned back around to look at him to find he was looking at me. He was standing this time. "It was nice knowing you, Ethan." I started walking away. My steps only getting faster from hearing him walk after me. I couldn't face him.

"Wait. Please." I stopped and looked at him. "You can't leave. You have to stay. Why are you leaving anyways?"

"I have to. Work." I said shrugging.

"At least give me your number."

He handed me his phone and I put my contact information in, hoping we wouldn't drift apart. When I was handing his phone back, he grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket. i guess he got a new phone? He took one step towards me and grabbed my face. He looked at me, inching his face closer towards mine. Slowly, achingly slowly.

I placed my lips on his kissing him slowly at first, but once he started kissing back, it was so passionate. I felt care, love, as if he was cherishing this moment as much as i was. "Bye." I said as I was pulling away.


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