Charlotte gets Cancer

Start from the beginning

Martha smiled and chuckled "come along dear its alright", Yusei looked around. Kazuma smiles and walks in the kitchen, Yusa rubs her butt and looks behind her and saw a group of gang members and starts backing away. They smirked "hello cutie why don't you come with us". Yusei growled and headed to her, Martha gave her veggies to cut. Yusa shook her head as she backs into a wall, Kazuma starts cutting the veggies. Yusa tries to back up more but one of the gang members puts a rag on her face knocking her out and carrying her to their hideout, Jesse heard and growls opening his wings flying towards the sound. "sounds like uncle Yusei and he's not happy" Kazuma continues cutting the veggies, the pack left as yusei followed his daughters sent to find her. 

Martha nodded "yes yusei was always protectible", Yusa woke up and saw that she was chained to a post and a gag in her mouth and was only in her bra and underwear and tries to cover "hello someone help me". "yeah, but there's been time were he almost dies doing it" Kazuma said, Martha sighed "yusei is a noble and always puts others first". Yusei tracked her and growled, "now I know where Yusa gets it" Kazuma giggles. Yusa was crying and screaming in pain as the gang members put their members in her and coming inside her, the pack came in and attacked the males as they tore them apart. Martha pet her head, Yusa cries crossing her legs. Kazuma purrs leaning to her touch, Yusei went to her and covered her up. 

Martha kissed her head, Yusa touched her lower half then looks at her hand and saw blood and cum on it and cries. Jesse's eyes widen as he cries softly, Kazuma purrs louder. Yusei picked her up "come lets go home and clean you up", the pack nodded as they headed out. Martha smiled, "those guys came in me, they raped me" Yusa cries more. Kazuma smiles back, Yusei rubbed her back as they headed home. Martha get back to cooking, Yusa whines "what happened to you is happening to me". Kazuma gets back to cutting veggies, Yusei "no it isn't because we are here with you dear". Martha started to meat, "but Star what's Star going to think" Yusa cries and sucks on her tail. 

Kazuma finished the veggies "where do you want these", Yusei held her "he will be supportive you know that". Martha "in the soup dear". Yusa bites her tail hard and looks to Asteck then looks down "but I don't know if I want to give birth to a rapist baby" she whispered but only loud enough for her father to hear, Kazuma puts the sliced veggies in the soup. Yusei looked at her "it will be alright trust me i know how you feel it will be okay dear", Martha came over with the meat. Yusa continues to bite her tail hard, Kazuma smiles watching. Martha put the meat in the soup, Yusei held her close. Kazuma felt something off, Yusa bites her tail harder making it bleed but doesn't notice because of her high pain tolerance. 

Yusei tool the tail out of her mouth "if you want we can we get plan B it will stop the seed from going into your womb", Martha looked at her. "please I would take that, I only want Star's babies" Yusa whines, "something does feel right" Kazuma looks at her. Yusei nodded "you go get cleaned up and ill go get some okay", Martha "it's Yusa isn't it". Yusa nods going to the bathroom, Kazuma nods. Yusei went to the store, Martha pet her head "don't worry Yusei's got her". Yusa turns the shower on and gets in, Kazuma purrs "ok". Yusei soon came back, Martha smiled. Yusa starts having bad thoughts and grabs a razor, Kamia felt her sisters feelings and goes to the bathroom. 

Kazuma smiles back, Yusei was already their and held Yusa in his arms as he rucked her back and forth. Martha "now go set the table", Yusa cries again clinging to her father. Kamia calls Star to see if he could help, Kazuma nods. Star came in and nuzzled her, Yusei gave her the small box. Martha got some plates, Yusa purrs and looks at the box "what's this". Kazuma got the silverware, Yusei "it's the plan B". Martha started to set the table, Yusa cocks her head. Kazuma helps her, Yusei gave it to her. Martha called everyone. Yusa closes the bathroom door opening the box but doesn't know how to use it "umm someone help I don't know how to use this", Kazuma sits at the table. 

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