"Oh, I get it, it's like your ideas are being blocked from flowing out easily," Aaron said, smiling proudly as if he had just earned a medal. He mumbled something under his breath, shaking his head with a smile.

Lunch was eventful, filled with a Q&A Session when Aaron kept asking about every single thing in the menu. The girls found out how hard it was to explain to someone the phrase 'it taste like chicken' when it taste nothing like chicken. They had to get creative with their answers since 'sweet' and 'spicy' is not sufficient enough for the blonde male. It gets even more complicated when Aaron started asking what the 'bubbly' taste of the soda was.

"Are you serious?" Rachel asked, surprised. "You've never had a soda before?"

"I was restricted by many rules," he replied, taking a sip of the soda. "This is really good though."

"You picked up a weird one this time, Ems," Rachel said, glancing at Emily who smirked.

Brushing her curls from her eyes, she asked mischievously, "Should I throw him back out then?"

"Yeah sure, be heartless and leave me out there," Aaron said, drinking more of his soda. He paused when realizing it had finished. "I think I need more."

"You're not getting anymore," Emily said in a matter of fact voice.

Aaron gave her a look as if surprised she said no to him. He narrowed his eyes at her, which made Emily leaned in to him.

"My turf, my rules."

"You shouldn't drink a lot anyway," Rachel told him, a bit taken aback by the exchange. "It's full of sugar."

"Sugar's good for you," he said, frowning like an upset child. Emily laughed and ruffled his hair.

"They're not if they make you fat," she said in a sing song voice.

"I don't get fat," he replied simply.

"Everyone gets fat."

"Not me."

"Yes, you do."

"No I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You d-"

"I'm going to go since my shift starts soon but you two can bicker all you want," Rachel said, standing up and handing Emily some money. "This is my share."

She bid the two goodbye and left.

Aaron picked up the notes, and counted them, "Why are they all the same colour? I know for a fact that some countries have it in five different colours."

"Well, not everyone can afford colour printing," Emily replied, snatching the notes and mixing it with some of her own.

"Where is she going anyway? Does she have a part time job?" He asked, running his hand through his golden locks. "Please don't tell me she ended up as a waitress."

"No, Rach volunteers at a hospital," Emily told him. "She has a brother there."

"What? She doesn't have a brother," he said, surprised. "We can't have brothers or any other family members."

"That's weird. That's what she tells me." Emily said, thinking back. "Do you think she remembers? I mean, she did seem quite comfortable around you. She's usually quiet."

"I noticed," he said, stealing her soda. "But I don't think she remembers yet."


"And they all live happily ever after," Rachel whispered the ending, smiling at the sound of soft snores. "Good night Harry."

She glanced at her brother who had buried himself under the blanket in his sleep, leaving only a tuft of brown hair left to be seen. She smiled fondly, and gave him a quick kiss. She contemplated on leaving the story book with him, knowing he'd like to read it again when he wakes up. Deciding it wasn't a good idea, thinking back to the one she did left for him which ended up covered with doodles, she put the book back at the rack in the playroom.

The playroom was painted a light green colour with pictures taped to the wall. Soft carpets are laid down for the children to sit on rather than on the floor. Boxes filled with toys neatly arranged on one side opposite the cupboard filled with books, jigsaw puzzles and even the big letters for kids to learn. It's practically uncountable how many times Rachel had stepped into the room just this month.

"Rachel, is that you in there?"

She jumped startled and whirled around to see a short hair nurse with olive skin poking her head in. Sighing in relief, "Remi, you scared me."

"I thought you were one of the kids sneaking up late again," Remi said, tossing her a bunch of keys. "Lock this up when you're done, alright. I have to check on Mrs Wittermore."

Rachel didn't wait long to switch off the lights and lock the playroom door. Unlike the movies, the hospital isn't darker at night. The lights are on, helping certain patients who aren't quite fond of sleeping in the dark much like Mrs Wittermore who never liked her neighboring patients sleep with their lights off either. This usually caused a bit of commotion for nurses to handle.

Rachel passed the keys back to Lucy, the nurse working at the counter who was busy filing some folders. Walking down the hallways, the hospital certainly seemed less crowded and busy that it was during the day. The elevators aren't full with families and visitors anxiously waiting to see the patients. It was nice at times, and others not as much.

Rachel passed a room where quiet chatters could be heard and she glanced in to see the two patients, Mrs Coleman and Mrs Orwell talking to each other, gossiping like the two old ladies they are. She could just make out what they were saying.

"They just brought her in yesterday. She was barely breathing. Apparently, the hospital that sent her didn't know what to do with her and thought the doctors here might know something."

"What do you think happened?"

"Who knows. There wasn't a bruise on her as far as I can see. So she's not abused or anything."


"Could you keep it down! The doctor advise me to rest, and I can't do that if you two keep going on with your silly detective games."

Rachel could hear the indignant huffs of the two lady, and quickly slipped away before she was noticed by any of them. She knew the quite well what a chatterbox the two ladies were. She also knew the one trying to shush them is grumpy when she doesn't get her sleep. She'd rather not be caught if anything happens.


This is a bit of a drag. But it is the first chapter. Thanks for reading and thanks to FortunedFool for the new cover.

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