Mrs. Sheritan's and the Delivery

Start from the beginning

I get to the class and open the door. I see papers flying around and people running all over the place. Students were sitting on the couches and just all in all doing stuff they weren't supposed to do. Mason (zuckles) was in this class too. I sigh heavily and try to calm my nerves.

"Alright! Every one in their seats doing their work!" I yelled standing my the microwaves and ovens. Ms. Ledford taught career prep and home economics, as well as other things similar.

Most had gone to their seats but a select few. Some were new and would have no idea what would happen if they didn't listen to me. Other were either apart of bbs or the misfits. I growl and click my tongue.

"Mason, Eric, Lui, and David! I said in your seats!" I yelled walking closer to them. I look to the teachers desk and she she had stepped out of the room for a moment.

"Don't rope me in with these fuckers! I was trying to get them in their seats." David growls at me. He didn't really mind me.

"What makes you think we will listen to you, huh? We can just rat you out to your job and you'll get fired!" Mason says walking up to me. Damn, he is fucking close. I look down directly at him.

"Y'know... Principal Spores doesn't care to call parents anymore. But I can... and guess what...." I sneered, backing Mason into a wall. His eyes widened a bit at my force. "I'm very close to your mother..." I purred, stepping back with a smirk on my face. "In your seats freshmen!" I called out, the new students running to their seats and David dragging Lui to theirs.

Mason glares at me as he walked to his desk, his hands shoved in pockets. Eric (swagger) looked at me and ran up to me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down to his height.

"What do you think you're doing Clouse(this is ur last name)?!" He yelled, infuriated with me for upsetting his friend.

"Exactly what I need to do for you dumb asses to listen..." I grumble, ripping his fist off of my shirt and standing up straight. "Get to your seat..." I mutter walking to the teachers desk seeing Ms. Ledford there.

I smile at her sympathetically. "Sorry about that... children am I right?" I let out a nervous chuckle. The teacher just shakes her head, her bright read curly locks moving with her.

"Some of them really need to grow up sooner or later... or they'll-" She started, but I cut her off.

"End up like their parents and be in this constant loop." I frown, grabbing the chair next to her desk and sitting in it.

"Exactly," she sighed "Though it doesn't look like it sometimes I do care for them... and I give them work in hopes they'll do it and learn from it..." She looks and me and hands me a lollipop from her jar under her desk.

"Thank you... I hate having to threaten them all the time..." She laughs as my cheeks are dusted with a light pink. "Really I do! If I didn't have to threaten them their 'groups' wouldn't hate me and maybe we could all slightly get along..." I trail off, a small smile appearing on my face.

A student had walked up to the desk. It was Eric... and Erika (charlie's friendo). "Yes?" Ms. Ledford asks, her attention on the two. "Ah well miss... I need to talk to (m/n)..." Erika smiles. I nod and get up as she drags me to the couches. I look back at Eric and see he's taken the pass to go to the bathroom.

"Listen Firehouse..." She started, using my nickname. I laugh quietly. "I got invited to the bbs party... Now I know you aren't on the best terms with them but they said I could bring a friend... and I wanna take Charlie... Is that okay?" She questions, looking a bit hesitant.

I stared at her for a moment. "Uh yeah sure.... just um... make sure he doesn't get into any trouble, okay?" I faked a smile, playing with the lollipop stick. She hugs me quickly and goes back to her desk. The rest of the day was uneventful.

I was in my pe class when the bell rang. I grabbed my things and sprinted into the hall. I quickly found charlie and dragged him home with me.

"Why am I coming with you...? Erika said her sister would take us..." He trailed off, kind of upset.

"I'm sorry bud, but I need you to help me drop shit of to Brian and Tyler." We sighed at the same time. "You can stay the night at her place if they offer,especially since I work." I pulled up in the driveway. We walked inside and I grabbed the vodka from the fridge and some of the beer from out back. We stuffed the shit in backpacks and got in the car again. I set off for Tyler's place. Tyler lived alone so he didn't have to worry about getting caught and shit. Plus his house is huge. We pulled up in the driveway and we saw Brian and Nogla at the fence around his yard. Charlie Hands me a bag and carries the other. David perks up when he sees Charlie, David and Charlie got along pretty well despite the feud happening around them.

"Oi Brian, I got your shit... You don't have to pay if you let Charlie stay," He contemplated what he was about to say next "Erika said someone invited her and that she could bring a plus one... This is her plus one..." I gestured to the smaller boy next to me.

"Fine... just don't get into anything, don't touch anything, and most importantly... Don't talk to anyone unless spoken to..." Brian says, leading us to the house. I put my arm around Charlie's shoulders, feeling him relax. We put the alcohol in its respective place for them to take out later. David and Charlie went upstairs to play mario kart. I smile and lean on the counter. Brian looks at me.

" I don't see why you didn't join us when it first started... You actually gave Evan the idea to do this... the rest of us just went along with it thinking you'd be in it..." Brian muttered standing next to me, drinking water and handing me a glass.

"The only reason was because of Del... He's hated me since the beginning... Then Jaren came and that problem started... so I probably would have been kicked out, or even murdered..." I sigh and chug the water. "You guys are pretty chill but I always manage to get someone pissed off... Anyway I gotta go... please take care of Charlie..."  I shove my hands in my pockets and drive to the station.

When I walk in I see some of the guys eating. I wave at them and head to my locker. I put my stuff away and changed into my uniform. A couple hours had passed and it had gotten pretty dark. It was around one a.m. When we were called for a house fire... At Tyler's place.


-={ Terroriser Unlocked }=-

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