The Alone Greenstone

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Althea’s POV

   Had anyone ever considered how hard it would be to disappear from a crime scene when being followed by a gray haired neon covered little girl? No one, because it was more than fucking impossible and anyone who was stupid enough to believe that they could had probably been eradicated from the face of the Earth quite quickly.

   Like Althea would be if she didn’t get rid of this loose end quickly. 

   The Marked’s live in lapdog that she had given the title “sister” had been following her for about three blocks since she had cleared the house. She knew the girl was aware that she knew that she was being followed because she had made no attempt to hide her footsteps or even make a move to use the power that she was sure was hidden under the surface. 

   This was odd in itself. People didn’t follow Althea without a reason. In fact they rarely followed her for a reason that didn’t create a bloodletting, and that included Viryna.  

   Althea heard the girl sneeze, and something inside of her, probably her infamous temper, snapped. She spun on her heel and faced her.

   “What the hell do you want?” She snapped. “I don’t babysit children.” There had to be somewhere else for her to go, her house had seemed fucking loaded when she was trashing the place.

   The girl observed her with annoyingly curious eyes. Did she look like some sort of circus sideshow to her? “I’m not a child, I’m Alyssa.” She responded calmly. “I was just wondering where you came from, and how you knew about me and that creature. Plus I wanted to know what kind of powers you have? Oh and you said you had some questions for me, but then you left right after. So I naturally followed.”

  Althea blinked. What…? The girl had rattled off more questions in three seconds than she had ever heard.  “I left because the cops were coming.” She said slowly. “As for the questions I have for you, I was going to contact you, at a later date.” It was much more impersonal and the girl seemed….naive as it was. 

  She would not be tricked into taking care of a person. She already had enough trouble taking care of only herself.

  The girl put her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels. “It’s not like I have anywhere to go...” She whispered. “When you killed her, you killed my home, too.” 

  Althea gritted her teeth. Yes, because it was her fault that there had been a power sucking harpy living with the girl and that when she needed to be taken care of the girl was somehow left out in the cold. Yet what was this itchy feeling she was getting.

 Oh god I feel guilty? Shit now she had a conscience? 

   “Fine. “She snapped. “Follow me.” She took a few steps, and then stopped.

  “But first, change that hideous shirt?” The girl didn’t even look offended, which should have irked Althea, but she was tired now and all she wanted was to go home, do a few reps, and work on some things for her day life.

  Of course, things rarely worked out the way she wanted. Now she had to place Alyssa somewhere in that pattern.   

  Alyssa changed her clothing to darker, less noticeable jeans and shirts in an alleyway at Althea’s urging. It was mildly awkward, but Althea watched for people and the occasional rat. 

  “So…when did you start living with the Marked?” 

  “Heather......found me. I was starving inside of an alleyway kind of like this one when she did.” Alyssa stopped shuffling around. “You keep using this term….what is a “Marked”?” She asked as she walked out of the alleyway.

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