'Dear Harry James Potter,
4 years together, 4 years. I can't believe it, can you believe that our first kiss was at 4 pm in the bathroom by the room of requirements in 5th year? shocking yeah, I love you so much Lion, you don't understand. I hope we are able to go further than 4 years. I hope I changed your life. Because you sure have changed mine. I love you, happy 4 years baby.'

He folded it and handed it back to her, she slid it into the wrapping and gave him a box of what he thought were sweets "say it's from me" she winked and he chuckled, nodding. He paid for the flowers and left with the flowers and the small box in one hand, holding Dakota's leash with the other. They walked back to the Burrow and Draco took her leash off and let her run around, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny were all sat at the table eating "has he woken up yet?" Draco asked and Molly shook her head, he nodded and walked up the stairs with Dakota behind him... he pushed open their bedroom door to see Harry still asleep, his hands under his chin causing Draco to smile. Draco set the flowers and box next to him on the bedside table and kissed his head. He went back downstairs to eat and feed Dakota.

Harry woke up about 10 minutes later and smiled when he saw the flowers... grabbed the little note and read it to himself... smiling brightly "4 bloody years" Harry chuckled softly... He grabbed the box and opened it. On the lid was a letter, he read it also.

Harry, When you get this, this will be your 4th anniversary with Draco, if you do get this... congrats! but today is special, let alone your 4 years with him but he has come to me almost every date he has been on with you and every anniversary. I am a feeble old woman who sells flowers in London. He always says the sweetest things and you got yourself a lucky man, you might want to keep him. Have a good anniversary -Rosie

Harry chuckled and moved the opaque paper to see what was inside, inside was yummy sweets he loved to death.. he giggled happily and sat them down and got dressed. He pulled on a long baggy black jumper and black ripped jeans. He slid out his black and white converse which were the same as Draco's, he talked downstairs, messing with his hair as he went down and he smiled at the blonde, setting up Harry's plate "hi beautiful" Draco hummed, walking over to him and gently kissing him. Harry smiled and pulled on Draco's shirt "is this my shirt?" Harry laughed and Draco smiled "maybe, are those my pants?" Draco hummed making Harry giggle "yeah" Harry pecked the boy's lips softly causing him to smile "Happy 4 years baby" Draco cooed, holding him by the waist, Harry put his hands around his neck and stood on his toes to kiss him passionately, but he didn't have to when Draco slightly leaned down for him to finish the kiss. "I love you" Harry muttered and Draco smiled "I love you too, baby" Draco hummed, holding his waist close. "what do you want to do today?" Harry giggled, removing one hand from around Draco's neck to run his fingers through his hair "I was thinking we go eat at 4" Draco hummed, trying to hide his smirk "but that's too far away" Draco chuckled "eat love then we can maybe go to the coast" Draco hummed softly and Harry nodded, going to his plate and Draco grabbed Dakota's harness again so she can't run off as the walk to the beach then he would probably let her run free in the sand and water.

It was 3:40 pm and they were finishing up their lunch at the beautiful restaurant with the slow lowering sun shining through the tinted window. Harry had the brightest smile over his face, "you're so beautiful" Draco chuckled, he checked his watch. 3:53.. he took a deep breath and set the check on the table "let's go love" Draco hummed, and Harry got up. They walked hand in hand down the pavement to a fountain "dare you to run through it" Draco chuckled, as the circle area had small shouts of water popping throw the flat ground, around the whole fountain. "bet" Harry let go of Draco's hand and running through the small water streams, giggling.. Draco laughed as Harry ran back to him.. "I love you" Harry giggled and Draco smiled "I love you too" Draco gently pecked his lips and Harry brought his arms around Draco's neck as Draco slid his hands around Harry's waist "Do you remember the day when we first kissed?" Draco said slowly and Harry nodded "in 5th year.. in the room of requirements bathroom," Harry said slowly "at- 4 pm" Draco added and Harry giggled "you know I love you, correct?" Draco said and Harry chuckled "I mean I hope I do, I mean you did just say it," Harry said slowly "wait- you're not breaking up with me now are you?" Harry said quickly, moving his hands from around his neck and to Draco's chest and Draco chuckled "No, I'm not breaking up with you, but I want to spend my life with you-" he moved his hand and pulling the small box out of his pocket and getting onto one knee. Harry almost squealed, tears blurred his vision quickly and he cupped his face, shaking his head "you didn't" he whispered as small tears dropped from his eye "I did" Draco chuckled softly, the ring was simple but beautiful, it was all diamond, small diamonds on the band and one large one in the middle "yes- Jesus yes" Harry said quickly, totally forgetting that Draco was proposing. Draco laughed and stood up, pulling the boy into a slow kiss. 


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When they got back to the burrow Harry was still emotional and super happy "you knew!" Harry pouted to Molly and she chuckled "I did, Draco told me this morning" Molly said, hugging him tightly then Draco "I'm proud" Molly said softly and Draco smiled. "wait- Draco please say you didn't spend a lot on this ring" Harry said quickly "well-" Draco said slowly and Harry sighed "baby! how much?" Harry pouted "uh... £34,581.37..." he said slowly and Harry hit his chest weakly "Dragon! that's too much!" Harry said causing Draco to chuckle "the wedding will be more" Draco hummed, kissing him slowly... Harry's eyes fell shut and continued the slow kiss "I hate you" Harry muttered slowly "I love you too" Draco chuckled, gently pulling on his bottom lip with his teeth making the boy blush. 

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