8-The Javert Song [The Dragon Song (AVPM)]

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Cosette's Papa was out one night. Sometimes, he liked to take a small walk and think about life.

When he adopted Cosette, Valjean made a vow to lay low for Cosette's sake. He became a philanthropist. No one knew what happened to Monsieur Madeleine. He became Fauchelevent, also for Cosette's sake.

It had been a while since he had seen Javert. Not that he wanted to; that man was crazy.

Though of course, tonight, fate was bored.

It was the hat that gave it away. The one that was weirdly shaped like Napoleon's, but a very large chunk had been ripped off in one of their meetings. Javert had worn it every time Valjean had seen him. As soon as he saw it, Valjean took off in a sprint.

Javert did a double take. What did he just see? He was just doing his rounds when a man runs at the sight of him. A criminal. He began after him.

"Reveal yourself!" he shouted.

Did Javert take Valjean for an idiot? If he spoke, it would be easier for the cops to find him.

Frustrated, Javert kept running.

Suddenly, Valjean ran into an unexpected surprise. A fallen tree. He threw it aside hastily.

Javert knew at once. "Valjean! I should have known!"

The thought of finally capturing Valjean energized him. He accelerated greatly.

Valjean stopped. Dead end.

"Finally..." hissed Javert. He drew his sword.

Valjean picked up a piece of wood.

And the duel began.

Though he was decently good at sword fighting, Valjean knew he couldn't win like this. Hesitantly, he sang,

"Hey, Javert,

You don't gotta do this,"

"Improper grammar!" snapped Javert. "Do you do anything good?"

Ignoring this, Valjean continued,

"Let's re-evaluate our options, throw away our old presumptions,

'Cause really, you don't wanna go through with this.

I'm really not that special, Jean Valjean is only flesh and bone,"

Then how come he's evaded me for almost twenty years?! thought Javert, frustrated. He was caught off guard for a second and barely saved himself from a jab from Valjean.

"The truth is, after all, I'm as useless as a wall,

In fact, I'm alone,

Just like now.


Javert was confused. Very confused. What was Valjean playing at?

"In a house by the wood, I try to be a good Papa,

I never really asked for it,

I don't really know how, still she loves me until now,

But there's only so long that can last for..."

Once he's exposed, thought Javert.

"Many things I've done wrong, my name does not belong,

My dear Cosette, forgive me now,

Now, it might be the end,

So, level with me, friend,

I can't defeat the,

And you would beat me,

All I can do

Is sing this song for you.

La la la la la."

"La la la la la." Javert found himself singing.

"La la la la la."

"La la la la la."

"La la la la la."

"That's right, Javert!" cried Valjean.

"You never asked me to be gone,

I never asked to be a con!

We just jumped on that bandwagon,

But all we need is midnight jammin'!

So, la la la la la!"

"La la la la la."

"La la la la la!"

"La la la la la..."

Javert was so distracted, he didn't see Valjean hit him in the head. He was knocked unconscious.

"Good night, Javert." said Valjean.

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