Woodville High

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My alarm blared in my room, awaking me. I sigh, getting up and walking to my bathroom. I can hear light shuffling from my little brother from our attached bathroom. I smile slightly and pop my head in his room.

"Hey Charlie... Good morning bud! Breakfast will be ready after my shower." I hear a quiet hum and shut the door.

I jump in the shower quickly washing my hair and rinsing the rest of my body. I quickly throw on the fire house 51 navy blue shirt and some black joggers. I head downstairs and make a quick stack of pancakes. I hear footsteps from the stairs and smile.

"(m/n)? Why aren't you wearing a jacket? It's like twenty degrees right now?" Charlie says, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll grab one when we leave but right now you have to eat so we can get to school and I can sneak you into the teachers lounge so you don't have to stand at the big gym." I say, putting my shoes and drinking some (coffee/tea) from a mug Charlie made me in art class.

"Fine, can I borrow you're fire house jacket after school?" He asks looking at the jacket on the chair at the dining table.

"You want it now? I can steal one of they boys' hoodies at school." I ask, holding out the jacket.

He smiles brightly and thanks me frantically while I just mess up his short, curly hair.

author: looks at readers
i forgot to mention but you work at the fire house for woodville so you have a buzzer or something of the sort so you can head to the fire house which is next to the school whoops sorry

Charlie puts his dishes in the sink and we walk to my car.

*time skip because i'm lazy*
I park in the student parking lot. Charlie and I walk to the gym and up the ramp to 'get breakfast at the breakfast cart'. We get inside and the meanest teacher Ms. Brass stops us in the hall.

"What are you two doing in here? You know you can't be in the halls!" She glares, her words laced with venom.

"Uh w... well we were going into the teachers lounge to get the flags..." Charlie trailed off nervously, scratching under his jawline. Charlie is fourteen in his freshman year and has Ms. Brass as an english teacher. She basically has it out for him and this other student.

"Uh yeah Ms. Brass... Some first years left them balled up in the lounge. We heard from Garner when we were coming up here. " I mutter, try to not lose my cool.

"Fine but I better see the flags either in the office or flying." She growls walking into her room and slamming her door shut.

Charlie and I glance at each other before laughing quietly. She's the only teacher that hates us. The others either don't know we exist or like us. Especially Ms. Ledford. She's pretty chill... and a harry potter fan. We continue walking through the halls when the captains of the football and soccer teams stop me.

"Brian, Tyler... What do you want...?" I ask wearily, grabbing Charlie's shoulders.

They look at my brother and then at me. "We need you for a second leave your brother in the teachers lounge." My little brother looks at me and scrambles to the room. The two shorter males (pretend lolol) drag me to the boys bathroom.

"Do you have anything that we can purchase for the after party for Tyler's game?" Brian basically glares. Understanding what they meant, I nodded.

"Yeah but it's gonna cost ya extra. A couple of your guys from bbs have it out for me... If you want me to drop it off you're gonna have to meet me and make sure they don't harass me. Got it?" I look at them dead in the eye.

"Why should we? You're there to drop of beer at thats it... In and out..." Tyler sneers.

"Well, One.... I'm risking my real job... and Two... Just because I help out the Misfits doesn't mean your dumbass goons can harass me or my brother." I growl and push past them, hearing the bell and going to my first class. I have history first with Mr. Parkins. He's also a volunteer at the fire house and the coach for basketball and volleyball.

Mr. parkins greets me as I walk in. I am the teachers aid since i finished my core classes in my freshman year. I sit in his spare swivel chair and grab out my buzzer/ radio and place it on the desk.

A few students turn in the quote of the day while the others finish eating and talk with friends. The door opens to the left of me and I see Toby (john on the radio) Smile at me and toss his spare hoodie at me. I nod once i realized what it was and he closed the door.  I put the hoodie on and notice it has his misfits logo on it. Each member has they're own symbol as well as the quite popular misfits logo. I sigh quietly and see two student come up to me. It's Bianca (heyimbee) and Charlie. I smile warmly at them and ask what they need.

"Well we were wondering if we could get some help on the definitions for the test... our book doesn't give us the meaning. " Charlie asks, shoving his hands in his pockets. I nod and get up from my seat. The two freshmen lead me to their seats while Mr. Parkins opens his computer and turns on the projector. I try looking for the definition and I couldn't find it so I just looked it up on my phone and told them to write it down for the time being.

"(m/n), Can you you do me a favour?" The teacher asks. I look at him and tilt my head slightly. "Go to Mrs. Sheritan's room and heat this up." He said tossing a paper bag at me. I walk to the biology teachers class and wave. The microwave was right next to the door so I put it in for a minute and went up to the seniors sitting in the front row. This class had nothing to do in the morning for the past week or so due to them finishing the work for the module.

"Hey Ryan!(ohmwrecker)" I smiled sitting on the table in front of him.

"Hey (m/n)! How's it going with the rivalry between the misfits and bbs?" He asked, frowning slightly. Ryan and his friends weren't really apart of either group so we tend to just stick to our own friends. Luke had come up to us as well.

"Hey kid!" Luke beamed.

"Hey man! And Ryan... don't even get me started on how ridiculous that is... People from both groups want me dead and others want me alive to leach off of me." I ranted laying on the table with my legs dangling off. I heard the microwave beep. I decided to ignore it for now.

"You poor soul... I told you to ignore both people and just hang with us... then you'd be on both groups good side..." Luke said, faking pity. Ryan just sighed and started petting my hair. I was just a year younger than them but they treated me like their kid sometimes.

"I hate to ruin this cuz it feels nice but I gotta get back to Parkins' class... he wants his eggy mcmuffin bad..." I chuckle lightly, forcing myself to get up. "Oh and before I forget... BBS is having a party tonight... for players and group members only... crash it for me... i'm just dropping off drinks and then heading to work... Thank you~" I said trailing out my words after i'm out the door.

Heading back to class I sit in the swivel chair and toss the mcmuffin at the teacher. "Here coach... Anything else you want me to do?" I mutter, interrupting him in the middle of a note. He glares at me playfully and told me to go where ever I want.

I smiled and tried to slip out of the door quickly. "Leave the chair!" He yelled right when I had shut the door. I groan and open the door and bring the swivel chair in and put it next to his desk. With that I went back to Mrs. Sheritans class

Nothing Ever Changes (bbs/misfits x male! reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن