chapter ten; bruna leaves.

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a/n ; i feel like i havent updated in a long time and i felt like updating. even though i have a lot of homework to do. i have a two page worksheet full of questions on taxes for financial literacy, biology, and have to draw some crap for visual arts.

[ sabrina ]



       "So what are you guys going to do tomorrow?" Bruna asked and everyone basically just shrughed.

I zoned out of the conversation since I was too concetrated on my phone which Millett till had in her bag. I was dying to have it back in my arms incase Audie called. I wasnt in the mood to fight again with him after the last one.

"Let's go to the beach." Maria suggested and everyone agreed. I wasnt thinking at the moment so I just nodded. I just need my phone that is all I want right now.

"Since you two live right next to the beach. We will meet up with you guys at the hotel." Bruna said and Millett just nodded for us.

"So Sabrina how has school been?" I snapped out of everything and I realized it was Neymar who asked me the question. I gave him a weird look before answering.

"It's been good. I'm graduating in June." I answered.

"What have you been studying again?" Maria asked.

"Marine Biology." I smiled since I just really liked the subject. Marine Biology was something i always wanted to study and I was glad I was going to graduate soon.

Suddendly. a phone started ringing and it was coming from Millett's bag. She then pulled out my phone and handed it to me. I checked who it was that called and it wasnt Audie. It was Jace but I'll call him later.

"What are you guys doing after this?" Bruna asked us all and most of us shrughed.

"You guys can come over since we are going to see a movie since Bruna is leaving in two days for Cali to do a couple things." Neymar said and Millett smirked at me.

"Sure." Millett answered for the both of us and David with Maria agreed on going too.

"Great." Neymar smiled.

Eventually we all finished eating and headed to Neymar's place.

        [ neymar ]

We were all headed to my place and I was glad that Sabrina decided to go with us. I knew she probably didnt want to but I'm glad Millett answered for her before she can even protest.

I felt bad too since I was somewhat happy with Bruna leaving for two weeks. She is my girlfriend but I dont know what I feel so happy that she is leaving for a while.

I looked at Sabrina who was concetrated on the movie playing. I remembered when we used to watch Lion King and she will shush me and get so into the movie. I remember seeing her cry at the part Simba's dad dies. I just missed her so much.

Like a part of me craved to be with her once again.

I found myself slowly falling asleep because this movie was making me tired. I

        [ skip two days later ok ok}

"Have a safe flight babe." I said as Bruna and I started to approach the gate she was leaving to for America.

"I'm going to miss you. I'll call you every day when I get the chance."Bruna wrapped her hands around me and then softly kissed me. I just remained still for a while before hugging her back.

These past two days were nothing but boring. Usually, Bruna and I would go out at night to some club or something but lately it hasnt been the same. Everything was suddendly different then last time. It was all different but I didnt know why.

I just felt like a huge boulder was released off my shoulder once Bruna kissed me one last time before walking past security.

I started to head out of the airport trying not to be recognized by anyone at the moment. I made it to my car safely without being recognized and I sighed in relif.

I felt so many things rushing through my head and I started to realize so many things at the moment. Instead of driving home I drove to David and Maria's place. I stopped at a red light and quickly texted him.

Neymar; are you home?

David; yeah i actually am. its just maria and me home why?

Neymar; I'm on my way to your place right now.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and continued driving to David's.

I had a smile on my face the whole time since I finally understood one thing and what I really wanted in this world. I found myself a bit too excited but I couldnt wait to tell David.

I managed to drive all the way to David and I checked the time. I was pretty sure that Bruna was probably either still waiting to get on her plane or either already boarding it. I felt like god sent me a small sign or something like that. I quickly got out of my car and walked to th front door.

"ITS OPEN!" David yelled and I walked in to spot Maria with David laying down on the sofa.

"Why did you have to show up to ruin our movie?" Maria groaned and David chuckled a bit. I just rolled my eyes at her and she smirked.

"i realized what I want." I smiled happily and Maria with David gave me a confused look.

"What is what you want?" David asked nd I took a small breath.

"I want to get back with Sabrina."

authors note; so i manage to update and kinda proud right now but should get started on my homework since its currently almost six and probably will finish around 11 or even midnight. so yeah but what did you guys think about this update? i feel like its horrible but felt bad for not updating in a long time so comment what you think is going to happen! next chapter is a bit of like a surprise in a way :-) have an amazing day guys

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